the file passed on to the TPI of Dixinn

by time news

Oumar Sylla alias Foniké Menguè et Cie could soon pass in front of Dame Thémis. One of the obstacles to the opening of their trial has just been cleared. The file concerning them until then during the Lower Supreme Court for months, has just been handed over to the Dixinn prosecutor’s office for judgment.

Are we moving towards the release of Oumar Sylla dit Foniké Menguè, Ibrahima Diallo of the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) and Saïkou Yaya Barry of the Union of Republican Forces (Ufr)? The question is worth its weight in gold. While their file slept in the dusty drawers of the registry of the Supreme Lower Court, it suddenly returned to the parquet floor of the TPI of Dixinn for judgment. It is the embarrassing prosecution at the Cona-crime Court of Appeal which appealed against the order of one of the chambers of control of the instruction of the said Court which ordered the opening of their trial.

It’s the same awkward prosecution that returns him to Dixinn. Nothing now hinders the opening of the trial of the leaders of the FNDC, at least if we trust the declaration of their lawyers: “On April 13, 2023, the collective has just learned that the file of the procedure would have been returned to the court of first instance of Dixinn through the registry of the Court of Appeal for the opening of the trial”. The collective of FNDC lawyers says it is “ready to face this trial, which has taken too long. In any case, the collective believes that the file is easy to defend because it is totally empty. »

The FNDC lawyers are certainly rubbing their hands after this announcement, but they continue to exert pressure: “If they are not released, the collective demands that their trial be opened by the Dixinn TPI so that justice can be done. “.

Oumar Sylla alias Foniké Menguè, Ibrahima Diallo, respectively national coordinator and operations manager of the FNDC and Saïkou Yaya Barry, executive secretary of the Ufr were imprisoned at the five-star hotel in Coronthie on 1is August 2022. The executive secretary of the UFR, ill, was released to seek treatment in Tunisia. Since then, their lawyers have been scrambling to secure their release. In vain ! At least, until then.

Yacine Diallo

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