2024-07-03 13:58:43
In the prefecture of Sguiri, the observation reveals that many of our roads are degraded, especially in this winter period, the populations of the gold city, experience real difficulties in carrying out their daily activities.
To overcome these problems, the rural commune of Didi, through the special delegation team, is committed to providing community assistance in the districts falling under this locality.
The work began on Monday, July 1, 2024, in the massive presence of local authorities, citizens and security agents.
As proof, the section between Bouré-Nafadji and Bouré-Finabala is impassable, users and other citizens are struggling. Questioned on the evening of this Monday, after the launch of the works, the president of the special delegation of Didi confided in our editorial staff.
“We are here today to help our community. The section between Bouré-Nafadji and Bouré-Finabala is completely degraded. As the first local official, I must contribute to community development, it is also one of our concerns. Everything we do here is in the name of the President of the Republic, His Excellency General Mamady Doumbouya. Each citizen must do his part to be able to develop his homeland. So, we are at your disposal night and day, me and my team. In the days to come, we will go to another country for the same gesture. We pray to God that he grants his grace to our president” said Karamo Touré.
In the same vein, the district president of Bouré-Nafadji encouraged this fine initiative.
“I am truly filled with joy today. To leave Bouré-Nafadji to Bouré-Finabala, it was a little hell. If the mayor and his team took charge of this section, it is God who will reward you. On behalf of my people, Mr. Mayor, we are at your disposal every day. We are ready to accompany you. Moreover, we are taking advantage of this gesture to tell our president, His Excellency General Mamady Doumbouya, to help the mayor and his team,” explained Kabinet Camara.
It should be noted that most of the roads connecting the districts of the Siguiri prefecture are impassable and the populations are currently experiencing enormous difficulties.
According to the latest news, we learn that this saving work will be multiplied in several districts of the locality of Didi.
Nouhan Konaté, correspondent in Siguiri
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