The fine for failing to comply with the Day without cars and without motorcycles in Bogotá

by time news

The fine for failing to comply with the measure is stipulated in the National Traffic Code as a C.14 penalty, which for this year reaches $572.514In addition, the vehicle or motorcycle will be immobilized.

For its part, the District Environment Secretariat will have microsensors, control points at mobile sources and a CazaChimeneas patrol to validate the emission levels of the cars authorized to circulate during the measure. Additionally, there is the Noise Monitoring Network that will be taking samples to identify acoustic indicators and thus monitor environmental noise.

It is important to remember that the day is carried out according to the Popular Consultation that took place in October 2000, in which citizens voted yes to Car Free Day in the capital.


  • Citizens have a 9,575 km pedestrian network, which facilitates connection and articulation with mobility systems and the city.


  • They will have 630 kilometers of cycle routes available.
  • 101 kilometers of bike lanes will be enabled from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm Some of these are Carrera Séptima, Boyacá Avenue, 26th Street and 116th Street.
  • The Bicycle Sharing System will operate with 3,300 bicycles. The stations will be operating from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm To access the service you must download the Tembici app.
  • There are 69,130 ​​cycle parking spaces throughout the city and 6,499 spaces located at 26 points of the TransMilenio System.

Public transportation

  • 100% of the available fleet will operate on the TransMilenio trunks during peak hours and will be reinforced during off-peak hours (between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm).
  • TransMiCable will operate during its usual hours, from 4:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • On zone buses, they are authorized to use all available stops, both for boarding and dropping off users. It will operate from 4:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • There will be 37,210 taxis available throughout the day.

They can circulate:

  • Public transportation
  • Vehicles driven by people with disabilities or for their transportation, in any case, the person with disabilities must be inside the vehicle
  • School bus
  • Vehicles with capacity for more than 10 passengers.
  • Vehicles intended for operations of home public service companies, including motorcycles
  • Emergency vehicles.
  • Vehicles intended for traffic control, including motorcycles and tow trucks that provide service to the District Mobility Secretariat.
  • Presidential motorcade.
  • Military Vehicles, National Police Vehicles, State Security Organizations and Bogotá Sectional CTI.
  • Diplomatic or consular service vehicles.
  • Surveillance and private security motorcycles.
  • Vehicles assigned by the National Protection Unit.
  • Electric or zero-emission vehicles, including motorcycles.
  • Funeral carriages.
  • Motorcycles linked to companies, technological platforms and/or commercial establishments, which provide courier and/or home services.
  • Vehicles intended for operational control and maintenance of the SITP.
  • Control of emissions and discharges, including motorcycles.
  • Vehicles transporting valuables.

They cannot circulate:

  • Private cars and motorcycles
  • Driving school vehicles and motorcycles
  • Vehicles with peak permit and solidarity plate
  • Private media vehicles
  • Hybrid vehicles
  • Dedicated gas vehicles
  • Taxis with beak and license plate (plates ending in 7 and 8)
  • Cargo vehicles with established restrictions (Decrees 840 of 2019 and 077 of 2020): Vehicles with a model year older than 20 years throughout the city. Hours: Between 6:00 am and 8:00 am, and between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm

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