The fines for driving with the ITV expired are doubled

by time news

2023-05-21 22:28:31

The General Directorate of Traffic has released the data of the sanctions that it has imposed during the year 2022 on vehicles for not having the technical inspection up to date. According to these figures, which are analyzed by the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles AECA-ITV, in the last year 618,375 fines were registered for this reason; 56% more than in 2015, when 396,666 were imposed.

This is an increase that worries the ITV sector, which has been warning for months about the risk that the increase in absenteeism in the technical inspection of vehicles represents for road safety, which this year has reached almost 40%, a figure that It is related to the increase in the sanctions imposed for this reason.

“These are figures that have a direct consequence on road safety in our country. We have to remember that, beyond the financial penalty, driving a vehicle with an expired technical inspection puts not only its occupants at risk but also the rest of the road users,” said Guillermo Magaz, managing director of AECA- ITV.

But the fines for not having the ITV up to date have not only increased in number, but also in percentage with respect to the total sanctions imposed. While in 2015 the fines for expired ITV represented 8.2% of the total, in 2022 they have occupied 11%.

Regarding the places where the most sanctions are imposed, the DGT data shows that, during 2022, Madrid, Valencia and Cádiz were the three provinces with the most sanctions for expired ITV.

In the case of Madrid, the increase in this type of fine in the last 7 years has been 47%; going from 59,473 in 2015 to 87,445 in 2022. For their part, in Valencia, they went from 28,659 in 2015 to 45,186 in the last year, with an increase of 58%. In Cádiz, the increase in sanctions for expired ITV has been 94%, going from 21,018 in 2015 to 40,701 in 2022.

How much is the fine for having the ITV expired?

Not having the technical inspection of the vehicle up to date can be the cause of road accidents, with deaths and serious injuries. In addition, it is classified as a serious or very serious infraction by the applicable traffic regulations; a breach that may entail an economic sanction of 200 or 500 euros, depending on the case.

Both driving the vehicle and having it parked in the garage or on the street without having carried out the technical inspection on the date on which it corresponded carries a financial penalty of 200 euros and the immediate obligation to carry out the ITV.


Drive with unfavorable ITV

Continuing to drive the vehicle despite the fact that serious defects were detected that would only allow it to travel to the place of repair implies a fine of 200 euros. In this case, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to repair the serious defects and return to the ITV station, within a maximum period of 2 months, to verify the correction of said defects.


Driving with a negative ITV

Continuing to drive with the vehicle that has been detected to have very serious defects carries a penalty of 500 euros. In these cases, the vehicle is not authorized to leave the ITV station by its own means, but will have to do so transported by a crane to the place of repair and return to the ITV station, within a maximum period of 2 months, to verify the correction of defects.

To these sanctions, we must add the non-coverage of the insurance company in the event of an accident, which can cause high expenses for the owner of the vehicle depending on the seriousness of the event.

#fines #driving #ITV #expired #doubled

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