The first line against gender ideology – Column by Santiago Vargas – Columnists – Opinion

by time news

The House of Representatives revived a bill that has unleashed, among conservatives, Christians, columnists of Weekformer President Uribe and others, so much anger that little time has left them to read it. More or less, allege that the project carries with it the ghost that frightens the Latin American right from Florida to Buenos Aires: gender ideology. But they have managed to invoke what are not ghosts because they do exist: distortion and, its twin sister, manipulation.

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Where did they get so much accusation that the project doesn’t even contain? Do they allege that it “promotes pornography” because it intends to guarantee “access to information and full knowledge of sexual rights”? Are they calling for “indoctrination in favor of abortion” because it seeks to prevent “unwanted pregnancies in girls and young people”? Do they denounce “the promotion of masturbation” because it insists on “providing a perspective of caring for one’s own body”? And they are not exclusive hallucinations of anonymous network users. Even congressman Luis Miguel López has dared to affirm it. Even the very goth Enrique Gómez accused the project of being a socialist indoctrination, despite the fact that among its authors there are militants of the Democratic Center, such as Gabriel Santos and Edward Rodríguez.

Worst of all, the arguments of Uribe, Gómez, López, María Andrea Nieto and company are so obviously distortions of reality that we have no choice but to conclude that they manipulate information, knowing how profitable it is politically, depriving thus to Colombian children of the sexual education that is so urgently needed to face the dramatic rates of violent sexual practices and unwanted pregnancies among girls and young people.

For former President Uribe, talking to children about sexuality “is promoting rape and destroying the essence of childhood

There are three additional mirages that motivate the rejection of the project. The first alleges that the state intends to replace the family in the education of its children. First, the project does not include such audacity. Even so, is not the fact that the vast majority of cases of sexual abuse come from the family nucleus, a sufficient argument to insist that the family must not be replaced, but rather stop operating as a barbed wire wall through which one cannot Do neither the authority nor the educational institutions appear? How many more of these cases to accept that, sometimes, the family is not a moral beacon, but the one who inflicts torment?

Second, by confronting the stereotypes that legitimize violence and sexual stigmatization, the project is accused of imposing a doctrine that reduces biological differences to cultural constructions. But the project never makes such a claim. Meanwhile, it is precisely in the name of these stereotypes that they violate, stigmatize and “hit them in the fag face” to those who do not follow them like sheep. It is also in the name of these stereotypes that girls are threatened with divulging intimate photos if they do not agree to sexual demands, allegedly alleging “who orders them to let themselves take photos?”.

This is what happens daily in schools without the need for the bill to “hypersexualize children”. And it is that this is, precisely, the third delusion that his critics invoke. With a strange mix of naivety and perversity, they believe that sexuality waits for the day the ID is issued to manifest itself. All human beings know that sexual questions and curiosities start very early. Do we want to continue infringing taboos, guilt and fear on boys and girls for feeling them, motivating them to go to resolve them in places where they are in danger? But, for former President Uribe, talking to children about sexuality “is promoting rape and destroying the essence of childhood.” It is similar hubbub and hypocrisy that give ideological support to the first line of the squad that fights gender ideology.


(Read all the columns by Santiago Vargas Acebedo in EL TIEMPO, here)

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1 comment

Kyle Reese November 28, 2022 - 7:56 am

Gender ideology is marketed and promoted in each country differently. but its always with the same false claims and slogans. gender ideology is presented as harmless or even that it helps people. this is false. gender ideology erases the rights of women, kids, gays, parents and others. it harms kids and dysphoric people. most kids with gender dysphoria grow out of it on their own without meds. but once they take puberty blockers, most go on to hormones that cause permanent loss of sexual function. none of this is a pause. none of this is reversible. gender meds dont help anything. thats what the official medical groups of UK, Sweden and Finland determined. those countries stopped giving blockers as a first solution to dysphoria. they found that most kids with dysphoria need psych help and time without meds most of all. all the claims that it helps are lies. gender ideology policies market harmful meds directly to kids. they prevent parents from the right to protect kids from this fraud. kids are told the meds solve all of lifes problems. so of course kids want them. they are influenced by people on the internet who are pushing their agenda. in reality, the meds cause kids to lose sexual function or ability to ever have kids. gender ideology targets gay and vulnerable kids who are looking for answers. its a cult that tricks kids into becoming life long medical patients. its a way for the medical industry to get rich from troubled kids suffering. most kids with gender dysphoria had trama, abuse or just are having normal dysphoria due to being gay. they need psych care and stability in their lives. the last thing they need are homophobes telling them theyre “trans” and promoting harmful meds that cause permanent loss of sexual function. kids have a human right to go through puberty. and not be tricked into harmful meds. amsterdam says those on these meds have 50% less life expectancy. its a big biz scam


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