The first matriculation exam results are published: what are the trends?

by times news cr

2024-07-10 12:30:31

“The results of the first 4 published state matriculation exams show that 90-99 percent passed them. candidates. More graduates took all these exams than last year. If you look at the average scores of Lithuanian language and literature and mathematics exams, it can be seen that they are very similar to those of 2023. averages, and the history and chemistry exams – increased. This year, more high school students’ papers will be assessed with 100 points in both mathematics, chemistry and history exams,” says Aidas Aldakauskas, interim director of the National Education Agency.

According to the data of the National Education Agency, 27,666 students of the final classes of general education schools and vocational schools submitted applications to take exams this year, in 2023. – 27492 candidates.

Reasoning essay topics were the most popular in the Lithuanian language and literature exam

17,357 candidates took the state matriculation exam in Lithuanian language and literature. 91.1% passed the exam, and 314 candidates, i.e. 1.8%, received a score of 100. of all candidates who took the exam.

This year, most of the candidates chose the reasoning essay on the topic “When is it accessible to the extremes?” – 8914 candidates asked it. The second most popular was also the reasoning essay topic “How does imagination affect the relationship with reality?”, which was chosen by 4,844 candidates to write. The remaining 3,599 candidates shared literary essay topics. 1828 wrote the essay “Representation of intimacy in literature”, and 1653 candidates chose the topic “Meanings of music in literature”.

The threshold for passing the Lithuanian language and literature exam is 30 points out of 100 possible. The average of the exam results is 54.9 points. in 2023 the average score was 56.3.

Last year, 92.8 percent passed this exam, and 2 percent got the highest grade. candidates.

Those who have not passed the state matriculation exam in Lithuanian language and literature will be able to take the school matriculation exam in the repeated exam session on July 12. You should ask your school for more detailed information about retaking the exam.

Maths exam results are better than last year

15,540 candidates took the state matriculation exam in mathematics. This is even 1,200 more than last year. 89.5% passed the exam. candidates. 362 candidates received a score of one hundred points, ie 2.3 percent. of all candidates who took the exam – twice as many as in 2023.

To get the highest grade in this year’s exam, it was necessary to score 56-60 points. The threshold for passing the mathematics exam is 10 points out of 60 possible. The average of the exam results is 26.2 points. in 2023 the average was 23.9 points.

Last year, 84.6 percent passed this exam, and 1.2 percent received the highest grade. candidates.

The number of people taking history and chemistry exams has increased

7264 candidates took the state matriculation exam in history. This is 300 candidates more than last year. 98.9% passed the exam. candidates. 15 candidates received a score of one hundred points.

The average of exam results this year reached 50.7 points, in 2023 – 43.3 points. The threshold for passing the exam is 16 points out of 100 possible.

Last year, 97.6% passed this exam, 3 candidates’ works were evaluated out of 100 points.

The popularity of the state chemistry matriculation exam has been growing for several years. This year, 1373 candidates took it, last year – 1046, and the year before – 915 graduates. 99.3% passed the exam. candidates. The works of 48 candidates were evaluated with one hundred points, ie 3.5 percent. of all followers.

The average score in the chemistry exam was 57.6 points, in 2023 – 50 points. The threshold for passing the exam is 16 points out of 100 possible.

Last year, 96.9 percent passed this exam, and 0.3 percent got the highest grade. candidates.

Individual scores – in the results system

Graduates can find out their results by connecting to the system for displaying the works of matriculation exam candidates and announcing the results – You can connect to the system with the student’s identification number and password received at school. When connecting to the system, you need to enter the student ID number (it consists of 7 digits) in the login name field, and the last four digits of the personal code in the password field.

The results can also be found by connecting through the “Electronic Government Gateway” portal by clicking on the link in the results system.

If you cannot log in with your login name and password, you should contact e-mail. e-mail [email protected] and provide your name and login details.

In case of questions related to the results announcement system, you can contact e-mail. e-mail [email protected] and the following phone numbers: +370 658 18391; +370 658 18374; +370 658 18367; +370 698 18495; +370 698 18463.

Students can appeal to their school principal within two working days after the results are announced. Before submitting appeals, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions for evaluating exam papers, which are published on the NŠA website. Appeals will be considered until July 23.

2024-07-10 12:30:31

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