The first meeting between Rueda and Besteiro: discrepancies

by time news

2023-05-02 20:54:00

02 may 2023 . Updated at 8:54 p.m.

At half past five in the afternoon, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro entered on foot and on time, together with a couple of advisers and a light folder with the Government logo, through the central gate of San Caetano. At the end of the short entrance staircase, Alfonso Rueda was waiting for him, with whom he shook hands twice before the photographers. It is the first time that the president of the Xunta receives the new delegate of the central Executive in Galicia. For just over an hour they held a meeting from which both emerged emphasizing the cordial tone, as they acknowledged to the media in an appearance that they held separately as usual. Besteiro takes with him a list of claims and the intention to meet again soon. Noting that he makes periodic visits, logically he knows to advance and follow up on these issues, he picked up the Rueda glove.

The head of the Galician Government presented a script with the pending issues from Madrid that he considers urgent: the distribution and execution of European funds; the delay in the completion of infrastructures, such as the repair of the A-6 viaduct or the arrival of the Avril trains; regional financing; or healthcare. But, as Rueda himself recognized, it was a first institutional contact from which we will have to wait for its results. Of course, for the Galician president he endorses the institutional normality that exists in Galicia: not a slogan, a daily practice, he contrasted the incident that this Tuesday implicated the socialist Minister of the Presidency, Flix Bolaos, and the popular president of Madrid, Isabel Daz Ayuso .

Apart from that cordiality, the summit highlighted the differences between San Caetano and Moncloa. Especially, in the speed requested by the Xunta to dedicate European funds to key industrial projects. We need concretion singing before. The speech that the large structuring projects requested have to wait for Parties who have to be summoned, they never come, and large investors who want to do powerful projects despair, protested Rueda. And that Besteiro, who appeared earlier before the media, began by claiming that he does not want to lose a penny, not a second in this historic use of Next Generation funds.

The Government delegate asked the head of the Xunta to advance the contribution that the Autonomous Administration is willing to make of its own funds for the industrial processes that it considers to be a priority. Thus or fan other communities did not change to get those games, argued Besteiro, who also highlighted that the aid from Brussels also reaches the 313 councils. The European dieiro hits all corners of Galicia, exhausts all of these calls and contributes its own resources to add up, he reproached Rueda, who added to this the non-minor note of attention from the Advisory Council report that warned of a lack of transparency in the management of these funds to the Galician Government, a matter that Rueda denied was being discussed at the meeting.

As far as the economic effort that will be willing to make the Xunta, the Galician representative points out that the investors that hope for the Next Generation funds perfectly coecen the commitment of his Government and of the songs that they asked for. What cannot be claimed, loxically, that those who reserve 100% of the Next Generation tell us that they are not going to move them or that they are going to move them in function than other administrations do, aadi.

There were also divergences in the allocation of funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism. Besteiro pointed out that 2,800 million euros were deployed in Galicia, nearly managed directly by the Xunta. In the latest report from the Xunta Council, the Galician Government has assigned 1,283 million, of which it would have received 1,138 million.

No deadlines for Avril

Without date, confirm Alfonso Rueda, the refusal of the Government to give a delay for the arrival of the Avril trains to Galicia that extend the high speed to the Atlantic Eje. It will be good for a close visit with the minister (Isabel Rodrguez) on such a controversial topic. See these tests live and receive an explanation of this delay, adi the president on a subject for him who is already asking the holder of the central government, Pedro Snchez, at the meeting that was held in July of the past and during the Hispano-German summit celebrated en A Corua en otoo. Nin answered us. The central government has no idea of ​​when they will arrive, lament.

In the point on infrastructures, they also collided in the repair of the viaduct that collapsed on the A-6 near Pedrafita. The Xunta requests that the two panels be rebuilt simultaneously, but Besteiro reported that the Government made the decision to do it separately under the premise of security and technical criteria, which Rueda claimed to be unaware of. The delegate pointed out that the work will be finished this year, and advanced that the A-53 will also do so soon. Regarding the transfer of ownership of the AP-9, Besteiro recalled that it was the PSOE who raised it in Congress, although he considers that the most intense debate now is the discounts at toll booths and not the transfer.

Besteiro stands out from the PSdeG in the coastal law

The former general secretary of the PSdeG disagreed with the line of his party in another transfer: that of the management and planning of the coast. The Galician Government approved last Thursday the regulations that will allow it to do so, and this month it is expected to begin its processing in Parliament. The leader of the Galician socialists, Valentn González Formoso, announced that same day that his formation would support the norm by putting Galicia before the party. But Besteiro considered this Tuesday, in line with the central Executive, that the regional law invades powers and does not guarantee legal security. He insisted that the best formula to achieve this competition is a reform of the Statute of Autonomy, as other communities did.

I stated that he did not understand controversy, Besteiro acknowledged, and that he also did not understand that the Galician government did not develop the statutory reform or make use of the bilateral commission mechanism to achieve competences in the last fourteen years. If all the parties are in favor of assuming this competence, I do not understand that it could not be put into practice, pointed out the delegate, who insisted that legal security is not guaranteed with the processing of this law. Asked directly about the divergence that this position implies with respect to that of the Galician PSOE, Besteiro stressed that he attended the meeting with Rueda as a government delegate and not as a spokesman for the PSOE. He also did not want to advance if the central Executive appealed the processing of the law.

The president of the Xunta criticized the very clear inconsistency of the socialist leaders on this issue, and pointed out that he gave Besteiro a copy of the bill so that the Government can finally express itself on the report of the Consultative Council that says that Galicia already has all the powers or functions of coastal planning without the need to modify the Statute. We need to see what they thought, what problem they have, they have any, asked Rueda without obtaining, for now, an answer.

#meeting #Rueda #Besteiro #discrepancies

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