The first motion of censure in Castilla-La Mancha after 28M prospers and the mayor’s office passes to the PSOE

by time news

2023-08-29 14:05:13

The socialist Antonio Barona is, from this Tuesday, the new mayor of the Alcarreña town of Almoguera after having prospered the motion of censure presented by the PSOE and Hablamos Almoguera in a very harsh extraordinary plenary session and clearly marked by tension, division and confrontation between the attending neighbors themselves, who have poured out shouts of ‘Get out!’ or ‘Liar’; and applause for both the incoming councilor and the outgoing mayoress, the ‘popular’ Rocío López.

Armed with the provincial leadership of the party, Barona assumes as of today the Mayor’s Office of Almoguera after 56 days in office of the ‘popular’ Rocío López, and after 32 years in which this municipality of Guadalajara has been governed by Luis Padrino, a mayor who He has run the town with different political formations, the last one with Hablamos Almoguera.

This is the first motion of no confidence of this legislature in the province, a motion that has gone ahead with the support of the 2 councilors of the PSOE and the 3 of Hablamos Almoguera, which now grants them an absolute majority to govern, above all, taking into account that the councilors of the independent formation already announced days ago their intention to become part of the formation led by Antonio Barona, once he was elected mayor.

“Illegal” eating and recording

The incoming mayor, in statements to journalists, pointed out that they have been forced to act like this and that they do not want the town to be stressed and “we are going to demonstrate with facts that we have come here to work for the town.”

As happened with the inauguration of his predecessor, in this case the incoming alderman has not been handed over the baton of command, something to which he has downplayed importance and has announced, in his speech, his intention to remit to all residents a letter in which they explain the specific reasons that have led them to adopt this decision.

When asked about his presence at a meal with the president of the Provincial Council, José Luis Vega, and the former mayor of Almoguera, Luis Padrino, Barona pointed out that he, “like any Spaniard can eat and meet anyone”, where the The outgoing alderman’s first word was whether they would agree with him, to which his response was that the first premise would be that he was not the alderman. Thus, Padrino is not even a councilor of the Consistory anymore.

“That food was illegally recorded by members of the PP of Almoguera and the National Police of Guadalajara is carrying out all the investigations,” Barona specified.

In any case, he has remarked that if Luis Padrino is not mayor of Almoguera today, it is because the PSOE did not vote in favor, something that he has justified in that “his neglect was total” and “they did not share anything with him.”

A week ago, the outgoing mayor filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office about alleged irregularities during the government of Luis Padrino. On this issue, the new councilor has limited himself to pointing out that it is not the first time that a complaint has been filed and that they are waiting for a judge to rule on what has happened.

“We will always be with justice, whoever falls falls and the five people who are here are very clear about it. Here there is no interest in covering it up. We are not going to protect anyone.”

The PSOE “builds a lie”, according to the PP

For her part, the outgoing mayor has accused the already mayor of “constructing a lie” to reach the Mayor’s Office and has branded as “shameful” this governance pact that, in her opinion, although they affirm that it has been reached recently, put “in evidence” in the food in the food between Padrino and Vega. “There the pact was secured,” she stressed.

And it is that, for Rocío López, the real reason for the motion was “to ensure the peace of mind of the outgoing mayor -Luis Padrino- and to comply to the heart of what was negotiated there”, ensuring his intention to continue working from the opposition so that it is not continue to govern with opacity.

“His entry into the City Hall is poisoned because he has signed a pact that will take away his sleep at night”; He has abounded addressing the new mayor and among the boos of those present, insisting on the “indecency” of said motion and his own attitude.

“Democracy has been assaulted,” she lamented, also supported by a PP leader such as the spokesperson for the Provincial Council, Román García, and reiterating that during these almost two months she had felt “truly harassed.”

After the investiture plenary, fifty people waited at the gates of the City Hall for the departure of the new mayor, who they rebuked with shouts of “out!, out!” accompanied by the leadership of the party and by some neighbors.

#motion #censure #CastillaLa #Mancha #28M #prospers #mayors #office #passes #PSOE

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