the first proposals of the “flash mission” for the hospital

by time news

Forty-one proposals to overcome a summer “high risk”. During a final working meeting at Matignon, Thursday June 30, the members of the “flash mission” entrusted to Doctor François Braun proposed a non-final version of their “41 recommendations to preserve our response to urgent and/or unscheduled care this summer”what The world was able to obtain.

After these last negotiations carried out in the presence of the Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, Health Insurance and the federation of patient associations France Assos Santé, it is now up to the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, to decide. The results will be officially announced on Friday or Monday. ” at the latest “, government spokeswoman Olivia Grégoire said on Wednesday. Announcements eagerly awaited by hospital staff who have been warning for weeks about the major crisis that is shaking the hospital, and in the forefront of its emergency services.

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It was moreover François Braun, president of SAMU-Urgences de France, who had alerted the end but to the fact that at least 120 emergency services were forced to reduce their activity or were preparing for it, a prelude for some of them. ‘one summer “Atrocious”.

The challenge of regulation

Too many patients, not enough caregivers: the impossible equation spares no hospital, including large university hospitals such as Bordeaux, Toulouse and Grenoble, recently forced to restrict access to their emergencies.

Among its first recommendations to solve the problem of permanent influx to emergencies, the mission recommends “regulate admissions”either with a “entrance paramedic triage” emergencies, either by “systematic prior medical regulation” by the SAMU switchboard – 15.

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It is even suggested to“authorize the suspension of partial activity of an emergency service” in certain areas that are well provided with care offers, particularly at night, “subject to the ability to manage a life-threatening emergency”. All this with a view to optimizing human resources “by pooling the resources of several emergency services on a single site at predefined times”.

On Twitter, the spokesperson for the Association of Emergency Physicians of France (AMUF), Christophe Prudhomme, strongly denounced “the end of public service open 24 hours a day (…) resulting in preventable deaths”.

These measures should be accompanied by an information campaign recommending calling 15 before traveling, as well as a “staff upgrade” of medical dispatch assistants to absorb the rise in scheduled calls.

Fiscal efforts

Other budgetary efforts are requested to better pay self-employed doctors in regulation (up to 100 euros gross per hour “tax-exempt”) and in consultation (with an increase of 15 euros per act requested by the SAMU).

Ditto for hospital staff, with a revaluation of night work and bridges on July 14 and August 15, as well as a bonus for psychiatric, pediatric and gynecological emergency teams. So many arbitrations to be carried out for the health authorities.

The recommendations also include easier recourse to substitute and retired caregivers, telemedicine, private nurses, firefighters… So many assorted leads “impact indicators”in order to decide at the start of the school year “of the continuation or abandonment of these measures”.

No trace, on the other hand, of any obligation of individual custody for city doctors, fiercely opposed to this type of constraint.

The World with AFP

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