the first steps of the new public service for the energy renovation of housing

by time news

Contribute to the fight against climate change. Control energy expenditure, current and future. Valuing your property, both for sale and for rent. Or just be able to continue renting this one for years to come despite tougher rules on thermal strainers. The reasons for embarking on a global or partial energy renovation of your house or apartment are legion!

But there are also reasons not to take the plunge… If the cost of the construction site is a hindrance for individuals, the complexity of the various procedures is another. To simplify the process for households, the government wanted, within the framework of the Climate and Resilience Law of August 2021, to create a single entry point for all energy saving work. Baptized “France Rénov'” and officially launched on 1is January 2022, it is presented as the « public housing renovation service ».

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Stated objective: that individuals can contact a single contact to benefit from independent advice in order to carry out their insulation work, to obtain information on the financial aid available and to be accompanied free of charge in the development of the project. and site monitoring.

In practice ? This global France Rénov’ service is accessible online, via the France Rénov’ website. And by calling an advisor on 0 808 800 700 (non-surcharged number). You can also go to one of the 450 physical counters.

According to resource levels

It is the National Housing Agency (ANAH), usually responsible for improving housing for low-income people, which is piloting the new system. This brings together the former “energy info spaces” of the Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe), the “information and service renovation points” of the ANAH and the former Internet Faire, launched in 2018.

“It must be recognized that has not found its audience. Studies have shown that few French people were aware of this site, which poses a problem given the national ambitions in terms of energy saving”we admit to the ANAH.

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For 2022, the main aid for energy saving work is my MaPrimeRénov’, accessible to all owner-occupiers. It makes it possible to finance the work of insulation, heating, ventilation, energy audit of a house, or a building in joint ownership.

The amount varies according to the level of resources of the household making the request and the type of work. The file is created on MaPrimeRénov’, the quotes of craftsmen and the invoices are deposited on the same channel. Namely: in the context of the war in Ukraine, the government has announced a temporary increase of 1,000 euros in the premium granted (under certain conditions) for the abandonment of an oil or gas heating system, from of April 15.

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