The first testimonies of how the hostages released by Hamas lived in captivity

by time news

2023-11-29 21:49:00

Los 86 hostages released since the beginning of the truce between Israel and Hamas they have remained away from the public light. However, despite the discretion required by the Israeli authorities, information about the conditions of his captivity.

The majority are still in hospitals located in different parts of the country, in good health. However, detailed information about the experience of Israelis who were kidnapped has been carefully managed.

“Irregular meals, pitas, hummus, a lot of rice and canned food, as well as contaminated water: this is the diet to which the hostages held by Hamas have been subjected,” describes Michel Paul, RFI correspondent in Jerusalem.

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Ruth Munder, 78 years old and released in the company of her daughter and grandson, she was one of the few hostages who told details about her experiences during her detention. Despite not having suffered torture or ill-treatment, she declared to Israel’s Channel 13 that the conditions of her detention had been deteriorated as the conflict dragged on.

“The people we admitted lost a significant proportion of their weight in a very short space of time, 10% or more,” said Dr. Ronit Zaidenstein of Shamir Hospital. She, in turn, added that the 17 Thai hostages had received a “very non-nutritious diet.”

“Only two hours of light a day”

On the other hand, according to the testimonies of relatives of those kidnapped, the majority were held in tunnels with little light in very poor sanitary conditions.

“There are more than 9,000 dead in Gaza, of which almost 4,000 are children,” said a journalist

Several freed hostages say that “they were only given two hours of light a day,” the Wolfson Hospital doctor told Ynet. Margarita Mashavi. “When they asked for a pencil to write and pass the time, the Hamas men refused for fear of being passed on information. They had no television or reading they spent time talking to each other,” Mashavi explained.

“It was suffocating,” describes Ruth Munder, who was detained with her daughter and later released. She also said that several of the hostages were sleeping on the floor and others “in plastic chairs lined up like in a waiting room.”

“When they needed to go to the bathroom, they had to knock on the door, sometimes having to wait an hour and a half,” said his brother Keren Munder.

Fear of making noise

Relatives of boys and girls who were in captivity spoke of the “horrors” they suffered when they were detained. “Hamas forced him to see the movie that no one wants to see,” said the aunt of the 12-year-old French-Israeli boy released on Monday, adding: “Every time a child cried, They threatened him with a gun to make him shut up. When he arrived in Gaza, civilians beat him. He wanted to hope that they would treat him well, but it seems not, they are monsters,” details Deborah Cohen.

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According to statements by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonnathe three Franco-Israeli children released by Hamas on Monday, November 27, Erez and Sahar Kalderon, aged 12 and 16, and Eitan Yahalomi, aged 12, are doing well, despite their “terrible detention” and the “shock psychological” that they suffered.

Eitan Yahalomi, 12, released on November 27 at the Sourasky medical center in Tel Aviv, along with his mother, on November 28, 2023. © via REUTERS – ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCES

Other relatives and parents of young hostages who were freed spoke of their children’s fear of speaking too loudly, to the point of being forced to whisper. “They pointed guns at them” to make them stop crying, declared the father of Emily, a 9-year-old Israeli-Irish girl, who now “whispers” for fear of “making noise.” “When she came back, I literally had to put my ear to her lips to hear what she was saying,” her father said.

Israeli-Irish girl Emily Hand, 9, is reunited with her father Thomas Hand after several weeks of captivity at the hands of Hamas. via REUTERS – ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES

The freed hostages, who are older adults, claim that they were able to receive medical treatment during their captivity. However, Elma Avraham, 84, was taken to hospital by helicopter after being freed; Doctors report that her health has improved.

Some of the hostages also claim to have been able follow the situation on the radio from his place of captivity. Over the past 48 hours, many families have sent messages to their loved ones held in Gaza during radio and television interviews.


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