The flu epidemic has started in the Netherlands

by time news

Last week seemed to be a flu epidemic. Even then, a clear increase in the number of flu virus infections could be seen. This number rose sharply last week. That is why RIVM, Nivel and Erasmus MC now say that the flu epidemic has started. Usually the flu epidemic starts in December or January. But since the start of the ‘normal’ flu season in 2021, the flu virus has only been found very occasionally in the Netherlands. This is probably due to the corona measures. They also worked against the spread of the flu virus. Now that the measures have been relaxed, people have more contact with others. This also increases the risk of respiratory infections such as the flu.

Different sources of information

RIVM monitors the development of the flu virus in various ways. The Nivel network of GP practices keeps track of how many people report to their GP with flu-like symptoms. This increased further in recent weeks, but is still lower than in flu seasons before the corona pandemic. However, the number of people with the flu virus has risen sharply. To monitor the flu virus in the Netherlands, RIVM, Nivel and Erasmus MC are also looking at other data. For example from laboratories in the Netherlands. This shows that the number of samples in which the flu virus was found is three times higher than the week before. Hospitals also state that they see comparable numbers of people with the flu as during epidemics before the corona pandemic. And since November 2021, some of the samples for COVID-19 from GGD and distributed throughout the country are being examined for the presence of flu viruses. There was also an increase in the number of samples with the flu virus last week. All information together leads to the conclusion that the flu epidemic has started in the Netherlands.

Flu and COVID-19

Flu and COVID-19 are respiratory infections. They are caused by different viruses. Both viruses spread through droplets released when coughing or sneezing. Both viruses also cause fever, cold complaints and cough, and sometimes pneumonia.

The basic measures against the coronavirus also work to prevent the spread of the flu virus. Washing hands regularly, coughing and sneezing into your elbow, and keeping your distance reduce the chance of passing the virus on to others. Keep this in mind, especially in contact with vulnerable groups of people. They can become seriously ill from the flu virus.

By: National Care Guide

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