The FNSEA joins the Tour de France caravan to encourage agricultural vocations

by time news
The frescoes produced by the local sections of the FNSEA have already become institutions of the Grande Boucle. FNSEA

The main agricultural union is joining the advertising delegation for the queen of cycling events. She wants to take advantage of one of the most beautiful showcases of the French countryside to encourage young people to turn to unloved or unrecognized professions.

Once is not custom. If the 176 riders of the Tour de France will give their first pedal strokes in Denmark this Friday, July 1, it is indeed one of the most beautiful showcases of promotion of the tricolor campaigns which is set in motion, with the launch of the 109th edition. of this major sporting event.

The FNSEA has understood this well. Already associated with the event for more than 10 years, in particular with the frescoes produced in the open field by its local sections (FDSEA), the main agricultural union has decided this year to enter the Tour caravan. It’s a veritable institution for brands, from Cochonou to Leclerc, via Continental, Haribo or Krys, who distribute goodies with all their might, and crisscross for three weeks in tanks and cars the most beautiful roads in France.

The purpose of this unprecedented entry for the union: to make known the diversity of its professions, “that young people do not always know, supports Jérôme Volle at the head of the union’s employment commission. But also to show that from CAP to BAC +5, there are no levels required for jobs ranging from that of farmer to that of employee, crop manager, engineer…“. At a time when 50% of the 390,000 farmers in France will be able to claim their pension rights, the renewal of generations is thus one of the major strategic challenges for Ferme France.

La Grance Boucle, an exceptional strike force

And with its caravan, the Tour ensures exceptional visibility for the brands and organizations present. “There are 250,000 recruitment projects in the agricultural sector just for 2022, of all skill levels and in the agri-food industries as well as in forestry, aquaculture or agricultural advice, insists Christiane Lambert, president of the FNSEA. The campaign will last all year, but the Tour de France is a magnificent showcase to launch it».

Through this operation, which will range from the distribution of bottle openers, postcard leaflets and planting kits, to activations deployed throughout the year, the union wants in particular to capitalize on the strike force of the queen event of the bike. Broadcast in 190 countries on a hundred channels, the Tour brings together an average of 10 million people on the side of the road, and 3.8 million viewers behind their screens every day. A huge sounding board, with a cumulative audience of 42.4 million people in 2021. With 10% of 15/24 year olds, the public has also become younger. “Even if 216,000 young people have already turned to agricultural education, many jobs are still unknown», Concludes Jérôme Volle.

Crossing for three weeks the most beautiful landscapes of France, the Grande Boucle thus displays a natural proximity with the agricultural world. The FNSEA had already launched a few years ago operations around the event to promote viticulture. But this time, and if he remains discreet about a project for which the Ministry of Agriculture has not participated financially, the financial stake must be a little more important, for a broad partnership signed for three years.

Three years of partnership

Depending on the visibility, the status of the sponsor and its presence on the jerseys and in the name of the team, the entry tickets to appear on one of the most popular sporting events in France range from 150,000 to 10 million euros. The FNSEA being very far from these high ranges. “We will do the accounts at the end to see if in terms of media coverage, on social networks, and in our surveys of farmers, the account is there.“Simply explain Christiane Lambert.

This is not the union’s first offensive to try to overcome the demographic wall by attracting new generations of farmers. For 30 years, the union has been organizing “Open Farms” operations to raise young people’s awareness of agricultural issues and the appeal of living professions.

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