The forces in Yosh will be increased after the Havara riots: standby also in Jerusalem and Gaza

by time news

After the attack and riots in Hawara: The IDF announced last night (Sunday) that in accordance with the assessment of the situation, it was decided to increase the forces in Judea and Samaria by two additional battalions and to increase the security checks in the Nablus area and on the roads to and from the city. At the same time, the hunt continued for the terrorist who murdered the brothers Hillel Menachem Weigal Yaakov Yaniv in Hawara yesterday.

This morning, according to the assessment of the situation in the IDF, it was decided to reinforce an additional battalion, a third, in the Judea and Samaria Division – the Givati ​​Patrol, and it will be stationed at IOSH in addition to the other two battalions.

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In addition to the reinforcement of forces in Yosh, the Minister of Defense Yoav Galant A recommendation for the strengthening of the defense efforts for the settlements and roads in Judea and Samaria, alongside the increased alertness also in the Jerusalem sector and the Gaza Strip. Minister Galant approved the immediate reinforcement of forces in the Jerusalem area, and instructed the IDF to assist the police as much as necessary in security missions in the Jerusalem area. In addition, the Minister of Defense instructed to allocate all the necessary resources, intelligence and operational, in the hunt for the terrorists involved in the shooting attack in Hawara, and to act to calm the area and maintain law and order in the sector.

In addition, the police raised the alert level throughout the country to one level below the maximum, in view of the murderous attack in Hawara. This is what Police Commissioner RN Kobi Shabtai instructed. Therefore, the police are preparing to deploy police officers in crowded centers, in synagogues, near educational institutions and in sensitive areas, and this in the phase of fear of show attacks.

As I recall, last night riots broke out in the Hawara area and in the villages surrounding the city of Nablus, this after the attack that claimed the lives of the brothers Sgt. According to Palestinian reports, about 100 were injured in the riots and one person was killed. IDF officers evacuated dozens of Palestinian families from houses that were set on fire.

Clashes in Hvara (Photo: Shlomi Heller, wow!)

Clashes in Hvara (Photo: Shlomi Heller, wow!)

Yesterday, in a conversation with Maariv, a senior police official referred to the recent period, during which there has been a wave of attacks in Jerusalem, shooting from the Gaza Strip and a series of attempted attacks by operatives in terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria. According to him, “We are on high alert, because there is information about intentions to carry out attacks in the immediate term. The police are stretching their limbs to the maximum, but there must also be public vigilance and assistance from other security agencies.”

According to him, an effort is being made to deal with the phenomenon of incitement to terrorism on social networks. “Maariv” has learned that this week two meetings were held in which police officials, the Shin Bet and the prosecutor’s office were present in order to formulate a series of measures to deal with the phenomenon. Among other things, there is an intention to impose administrative fines and confiscate devices from which the incitement was carried out, and at the same time to file indictments in a quick procedure against the suspects who will be arrested , this alongside the promotion of legislation that will make the punishment for those who incite terrorism online worse.

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