The “forgotten” of the inflation allowance will be able to claim it by the end of March

by time news

Fill in the holes in the racket. As Olivier Dussopt, Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, announced in early March, a platform so that all those eligible for inflation compensation can receive it will be set up in the coming days. “By the beginning of next week (from March 28)”, tells us Bercy without further details. This is to allow “those who have been forgotten, because their contact details were not available, to assert their rights” explained Olivier Dussopt.

Announced on October 21 by Prime Minister Jean Castex, the inflation allowance, in the amount of 100 euros, is intended for French people with less than 2,000 euros in monthly income in order to help them cope with the increase in prices . 36.7 million people have already received it according to the latest count from the ministry, but several thousand French people who are eligible have not yet received anything.

Bank details issues

Among them are in particular home workers employed by individuals who have not communicated their bank details to Urssaf responsible for paying the premium in this case. To receive the bonus, the “forgotten” will have to go to the site, a government portal on social rights and benefits, in the coming days. They will then have to connect via France Connect. “The site will query the databases to find out whether or not the eligible person has already received their inflation compensation”, specifies Bercy.

If this is not the case, “the teleservice will then examine whether the known income and information allow it to be eligible”, details the government information page on the subject. In this case, the “forgotten” will be invited to complete a form with their bank details to obtain payment of the 100 euros.

“If the applicant finds himself in a situation which is not automatically managed by the teleservice, the counter to which he must turn is indicated to him”, we continue. This is particularly the case of Maryline who confided to us that she had not yet seen the color of the inflation allowance. “I am not an employee, not retired, not unemployed and even less a student,” laughed the one who still has to wait a year before receiving her pension.

Report double payments

This device comes to close a sequence which will be spread over several months, the payment of the inflation allowance having started from mid-December with the scholarship students to conclude with the retirees at the end of February.

A system has been put in place to correct a hiccup: the payment of several allowances to the same person. “A few thousand French people” were concerned, Bercy told us in February. If this was possible, it is because “various organizations (CAF, Urssaf, pension funds, companies) were responsible for paying the compensation for the sake of efficiency”, defended the Ministry of the Economy. A form has thus been put online by the General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP) so that people who have received the inflation allowance several times can report themselves. And refund the overpayment.

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