The former minister received an offer from the Likud to return and refused

by time news

Shtainyin was offered to become a minister in the government that will be formed: According to a report by Amit Segal, in Likud they offered former minister Yuval Steinitz to return to the political arena and be appointed as a minister in the next government. According to the report, Steinitz refused the request and does not wish to return to the political arena. The purpose of the proposal to Steinitz was to return him to the government table and even to membership in the defense cabinet, something Steinitz did in the past and received many praises for his performance in the cabinet.

Minister of Finance and member of the Cabinet

As I recall, Steinitz witnessed the last Knesset after the Likud senior members of the Knesset and even held several ministerial positions in the past, including the position of Minister of Finance. Before the last primaries held in Likud for the current Knesset elections, Steinich announced that he was retiring from political life for the time being and that he would not run in the upcoming elections.

Photo: Flash 90. Hadas Proosh

Unlike his friends, he supported Shaked

Before the elections and at a time when his Likud friends attacked Shaked’s run, Steinitz was interviewed and expressed his support for the former minister who, as I remember, did not pass the threshold: “I will tell you how I see the matter, because I saw it differently and I stayed in my mind. I think the best thing that can happen to the state Israel is that there will be no sixth elections and that there will be a broad government led by Netanyahu and the Likud.” And added why in his opinion it is better for Likud that Shaked pass the threshold: “The only party that actually promotes this thing, opposes boycotts and says that its agenda is that there should not be a narrow government of the left or a narrow government of the right, but that it is in favor of a broad government, is Ayelet Shaked and the Jewish home”.

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