The former Nar Luigi Aronica, the leaders of Forza Nuova, the ‘dolphin’ of Castellino and the leader of IoApro: who are those arrested for guerrilla warfare in Rome

by time news

Roberto Fiore, Luigi Aronica. And obviously Giuliano Castellino. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome has announced, shortly, that it will field the counter-terrorism pool to investigate the clashes on Saturday afternoon in the capital, on the sidelines of the procession No Green Pass, with an assault on the national headquarters of the CGIL. In total, 12 people were arrested – six arrested in the act of crime and another six arrested at a later time – and 600 identified.

If the names of Roberto Fiore and Giuliano Castellino, respectively secretary and deputy secretary of Forza Nuova, had been made known immediately, it makes a sensation that of Luigi Aronica, 65, known as Is panther, formerly belonging to the Pomegranate, those Revolutionary Armed Nuclei accused in the 70s and 80s of having animated the season of years of lead also through massacres e attacks. Aronica in particular, was sentenced to 18 and 2 months as part of the Nar 1 trial: militant of the “Proletarian fascists” di Prati, was alongside Dario Pedretti in that fraction of the Cold who gave birth to one of the Nar clips and then, in the long years of detention in special prisons, among the “Comrades” classified as “Irreducible”. A character of substance in the world of Roman neo-fascism, recently returned to “get his hands dirty” among the young militants alongside Castellino himself.

By now everything is known about Fiore and Castellino. Less well known is the name of Fabio Corradetti, 20 years old but already on the rise in the Roman wing of Forza Nuova, for now still known as the “Godson of Castellino”. The boy, arrested on Saturday by the police, is in fact the son of the former leader’s companion People of Rome, who for some time has “adopted” the boy, who seems to be on the road to inheriting the gruppettara wing of Fn. A couple of years ago, on the occasion of his 18 years, he was caught together with another group of peers to launch stones against a patrol of the carabinieri in the neighborhood Valle Aurelia, an episode that also cost him the sentence. Today the second “trouble” with justice, for one judicial curriculum that starts to get important.

Not just Forza Nuova. Among those arrested there is also Biagio Passaro, the leader of the movement IoApro, made up of the most intransigent restaurateurs who consider themselves damaged by the adoption of restrictive anti Covid regulations and, in particular, the Green pass. A movement born immediately after lockdown, which initially also attracted the sympathies of Matteo Salvini: the leader of the League had used the hashtag #ioapro several times on social media, a battle cry of dissident restaurateurs. Finally, at the police station it also ended Pamela Testa, the organizer of the event, also “external” to Forza Nuova, but – as can be seen from her posts on social media – sympathizer of the movement and in particular of Castellino. The woman, during the clashes, also suffered one wound to the head.

The twelve arrested must answer, for various reasons, of aggravated damage, devastation and looting, violence and resistance to public officials, while further investigation and verification activities are underway on the films recorded by the scientific police, to evaluate other criminally relevant conduct. Five of them, including Fiore and Castellino, will be defended by the lawyer Carlo Taormina, who for a moment had been on the verge of being the mayoral candidate of Rome for Forza Nuova. Among the wounded, about fifty police officers. “One thing is the sacrosanct criticism of the application of a tool to be perfected, as demonstrated by the strikes scheduled by all trade unions. One thing is the gratuitous violence against the police, of which our category is now fed up ”, he says Domenico Pianese, union secretary Coisp.

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