The former president of Vox in Melilla is accused of alleged crimes during his time at the College of Physicians

by time news

The former president of Vox in Melilla, Jesus Delgado, has been accused of allegedly divert more than 80,000 euros for the purchase of a dog for 1,200 euros or even women’s lingerie with the card of the College of Physicians of which he was president. This has been ruled by the Court of First Instance number 3 of Melilla. He is accused of two crimes of misappropriation and unfair administration.

Jesús Delgado Aboy has been denounced by the new officials of the Official College of Physicians of Melilla for spending that amount of money for matters that would have to do with himself. This is detailed in the court order to which Europa Press has had access. The transfer of some 4,000 euros to your account with the concept ‘President’s Telephone’, all this “without counting on the approval of the Assembly”.

The head of the court has urged that it be transferred to the Fiscal Ministery. Delgado was president of Vox in Melilla from April 2019 to January 2020. He was expelled from the party after recording some recordings in which he criticized Santiago Abascal.

“Waste” of college money

Delgadoaccording to the car, took advantage “omissive conduct” of the treasurer of the College of Physicians and the lack of internal controls to have the college money at their disposal. “He has squandered it”, highlights the writing. He spent “amounts greater than those strictly necessary to deal with the management of the interests of the College of Physicians, and he has used it for care unrelated to the pact by virtue of which he had custody of that foreign patrimony, depleting the Corporation’s funds to what it represented,” he adds.

The order indicates that until January 2019 “has violated the duties of fidelity inherent to his position and to the detriment of the owner of the managed assets, he has disposed of it, giving it a destination other than the one agreed.”

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