“The four most hostile.” The Government is already polling the votes in Congress for the new Bases law and sends warnings to the provinces. In 15 days the ruling party hopes to begin discussing the project in Deputies; In turn, Minister Francos talks with the Senate blocks; in La Rosada they set their sights on the governors most hostile to the agreementBy Cecilia Devanna

by times news cr

When 15 days remain until the date on which it is proposed that the new version of the Law Bases enters a commission in Congress, the Government seeks to advance with the final details of the agreement with a good part of the governors, while looking with distrust at statements and movements on the part of some of them. “The May Pact is going to be made with those who accompany the reforms. If you want to accompany, welcome”synthesized an important source from the Casa Rosada.

“Everyone is invited and those who don’t want to don’t come”completed the official consulted by THE NATION. Along the same lines, he said that the provinces that do not join the pact will not have the same benefits as those that do. “If they do not understand the historical moment and want to cut themselves, they will have to do so. If they want money from the Government, they must accompany“, he summarized in reference to the May Pact convened by the president Javier Miley.

The Government has a meeting on the agenda for tomorrow afternoon with the 10 provincial leaders of Together for Change (JxC), the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, and very possibly the chief of staff, Nicolas Posse. Francos, for his part, already met last week with the governors of Norte Grande, in Salta, while he previously held individual meetings with Claudio Vidal, from Santa Cruz, and Rolando Figueroa, from Neuquén.

Guillermo Francos and Axel Kicillof.Archive

Who Francos has not seen in recent times is Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Gustavo Melella (Land of Fire), Martin Llaryora (Cordoba) and Sergio Ziliotto (The Pampa). “They are the four most hostile,” summarized a government source with direct access to the numbers of the negotiations with the provinces.

While libertarian officials maintain April 17 and 24 as dates in Deputies for the treatment of the Bases law, In parallel, they are already working on what will be the Senate stoppage, more complex in its composition. For this, Minister Francos is already moving under the radar, who talks with the different blocs.

When talking about their role in this area, they quickly seek to avoid conflicts with Victoria Villarruel. In that sense, they swear that Francos previously spoke with the vice president and from the Executive they clarify that the lady’s mission “It is not about gathering votes, although if you want to, you can obviously do it.”.

Labour reform

Regarding the changes that could occur in terms of labor reform, in Balcarce 50 they are clear: “We want things in labor matters to come out, if it has to be left out for approval, it will be done.” Among what could be the ban on strikes and solidarity contributions. From Casa Rosada they explain that it is radicalism that is most involved in drafting the reform. It would be yes, “everything to help SMEs”, they clarify in reference to the regulations included in DNU 70/23 and that in that section was blocked in justice by a series of judicial protections. ““It is more important to resolve the three or four points that affect SMEs than the union social works.”they summarized.

The position of an important sector of the UCR was expressed in a message on social networks by Rodrigo de Loredothe head of the block of deputies, who is taken into consideration in the Casa Rosada.

For the Casa Rosada and also for the Ministry of Economy, it remains clear that the tax package, for which a good part of the governors fight, will be voted separately and after the Bases law. “The Basic Law already has a parliamentary process and the fiscal package does not,” distinguish the sources consulted in reference to the fact that the fiscal chapter was withdrawn from the law before it was discussed in the chamber, last February. But The governors want to negotiate everything together.

Among the examples of criticism of governors of Balcarce 50, the name of the man from Santa Cruz stands out Claudio Vidal. Without too many subtleties they point out: “He spent the last two weeks at the Ministry of the Interior asking for money and then he goes to his province and spends 500 million pesos worth of hake (in reference to the free distribution of 60 thousand kilos of that fish) and says that “If we don’t give him money, he won’t vote for the law.” To which they add many others who claim to say: “We are not going to vote, but Profits will still come out.” In reference to that they maintain: “It doesn’t work like that. It’s not about not voting because you know you’re going to benefit the same.”.

Also, although they clarify that they do not want to personify him, the governor Martin Llaryora He complained to the national government and they claim that he recorded expenses of 27 billion pesos in advertising advertising. “Let them lower their expenses if they cannot pay,” they insist on Balcarce 50. From where they add: “We live in a federal country, that implies that they also have to take charge. There is a will to fix things, but we all have to make efforts. “We cannot solve all the problems left by politics in 40 years in three months.”they emphasize from the heart of the libertarian administration.

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, another of those who follows the negotiation with the provinces in detail
The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, another of those who follows the negotiation with the provinces in detailPablo Aneli

Regarding the change in the income tax floor, which could reach around 1 million workers, from the headquarters of government They insist that they are working to close the legal vacuum left by the previous rule changes and that could make those who were exempt from payment since the last quarter of last year not only pay again but also have to pay for those months. “It would be a scenario that has no precedent and we are trying to avoid paying that retroactive payment”they assured.

Another of the sensitive issues with the governors is the pension funds, which this last weekend was the cause of a controversy that caused the President’s Office itself to come out to respond, in Casa Rosada they insist that regarding them “The item is not touched, nor will it be touched until the ongoing audits are completed” while they assured that the situation has been like this since December.

On Saturday, through a statement, the Government described the information about a cut in these funds as “false” and assured that after the audit it is carrying out “the National State will comply with paying the corresponding amounts.” It was precisely for that same issue that Minister Francos had earlier also denied the governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torreswho is part of the group of provincial leaders of JxC, but also of the Patagonians, who maintain the greatest number of differences with the Executive, among other things due to resistance to change on the Profit floor.

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