the four-voice debate on «la Lettura»-

by time news

2023-08-11 21:19:56


In the new issue, on Saturday 12 August digitally and Sunday 13 on newsstands, the dialogue between Minister Eugenia Roccella, Mayor Luca Vecchi, Maurizio Ferrera and Roberto Volpi. And a story by Stuart MacBride. Extra in the App: serial killers in literature

“Our country has gone from 577,000 births in 2008 to 393,000 in 2022”. And again: “This year 279,000 15-year-olds enter childbearing age and 476,000 50-year-olds leave it”. The data reported by Roberto Volpi are merciless. For some time the statistician, in «la Lettura», has underlined how the demographic question in Italy is a problem of absolute gravity, on which efforts to remedy it must be concentrated. Last June 25, in supplement #604, Volpi put forward the proposal for a «childhood income»: a subsidy of 500 euros per month starting from the second pregnancy.

«La Lettura» #611, previewed on the App on Saturday 12 August and on newsstands on Sunday 13, opens with a broad debate on the topic. Talking to Roberto Volpi are the Minister of the Family, Birth Rate and Equal Opportunities, Eugenia Roccella (of FdI), the mayor of Reggio Emilia (of the Pd) Luca Vecchi, head of the Association of Municipalities (Anci) for welfare, and the political scientist Maurizio Ferrera. From the conversation, curated by Antonio Carioti, emerges the need to reform our welfare system, unable to respond to a rapidly changing society.

The new issue of the supplement is also populated by masters of cinema, great artists, writers, composers, but also a serial killer. The data visualization by Sofia Chiarini and a text by director Davide Ferrario are dedicated to the 100th birthday that Charlton Heston would have turned on 4 October. The actor – recalls the director – impersonated patriarchs, saints, heroes and artists; but he also led the American gun lobby. An article by the writer Mauro Covacich is instead dedicated to Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini (1910-1965). An exhibition at the Teatro Miela in Trieste is dedicated to the anti-fascist and anti-communist Istrian author which, until 27 August, offers a journey through the films taken from his novels. And Paolo Mereghetti leads readers into the cinema of Dante Spinotti. On the eve of his eightieth birthday (August 24), the famous cinematographer recounts his extraordinary adventure in a book — The dream of cinema, written with Nicola Lucchi (La nave di Teseo) —.

The pages of the «Libri» open with an interview by Marco Missiroli with Jhumpa Lahiri. The two writers met in the author’s Roman home on the occasion of the publication of her L’interprete dei malanni (1999), which on August 17 will be on newsstands with the «Corriere della Sera» for the «Americana» series, edited by Sandro Veronesi. Among the exhibitions, Edoardo Sassi writes about the double exhibition that Rome and Mantua will dedicate to the Flemish painter Pieter Paul Rubens.

Closing the issue is a story signed for “Reading” by Stuart MacBride. The Scottish writer imagines that the Cannibal of the Golden Gate, a famous serial killer, publishes a tragicomic manual for beginner murderers. The proposed passage is the fictitious preface of this fictitious book. The Theme of the Day, the digital-only extra of the App of «la Lettura», now signed by Simone Innocenti, is also dedicated to the serial killers recounted in literature.

In addition to the Theme of the Day and the most recent issue of the supplement previewed already on Saturdays, the «la Lettura» App for smartphones and tablets also offers the archive of all the issues released since 2011. Subscribing to the App costs 3. 99 euros per month or 39.99 per year, with one week free. The subscription can also be subscribed from the desktop starting from this page. For subscribers, the contents are also visible from PCs and Macs starting from their Profile page.

August 11, 2023 (change August 11, 2023 | 19:16)

#fourvoice #debate #Lettura

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