The fourth raffle of “a discount apartment” opened today: everything you need to know

by time news

The fourth “discounted apartment” lottery starts today (Wednesday) with a number of housing units less than the number announced by the Ministry of Construction and Housing only about three weeks ago. The meaning: the number of housing units that will be raffled within the program will barely exceed the threshold of 27,000 housing units, and the main lotteries are about 25,000 housing units – compared to the target set at the beginning of the year, which was 30,000 housing units.

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The fourth lottery will eventually include 6,471 housing units – this compared to more than 7,000 that the Ministry of Construction and Housing declared in the announcement about the lottery at the beginning of the month. The reason for the reduction in the number of apartments in the lottery is a delay in publishing tenders for projects that were supposed to participate in it.

13 localities will participate in the lottery: Jerusalem, Ashdod, Haifa, Yehud-Monoson, Ramla, Kadima Zoran, Ofakim, Sderot, Nahariya, Nof HaGalil, Elkana, Karni Shomron, Emanuel. In Ofakim, the largest number of apartments will be raffled, 2,077 apartments, in Haifa 1,638 apartments will be raffled, in Sderot 663 apartments and in Ashdod 428 apartments. 370 apartments will be drawn in Yehud-Monoson, 240 in Nahariya and only 56 in Jerusalem.

The cities and the number of apartments drawn in the fourth lottery:

: Select a category

location the settlement Number of housing units
7Come on-Zoran261
9The view of the Galilee205
13Horns of Samaria12

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As in previous lotteries, those eligible can register for lotteries in three localities at the same time, and for all lotteries in each of the localities where they registered. The office also notes that confirmation of eligibility to participate in the lottery can be issued until next Sunday, January 1.

Another important thing to remember in this context: the lottery that was opened today will close in the second week of next month, Sunday January 8, 2023. So the actual winning announcement will be made after the end of the year, and the number of winners in 2022 will probably amount to only 20,615 people.

25,340 apartments were drawn this year

The “discount apartment” lotteries were officially opened this year in the lottery in March, where 10,053 housing units were offered. The second lottery was held in July, during which 5,499 housing units were drawn. The third lottery was held at the end of October, and 3,317 housing units were drawn.

The total number of housing units in the central lotteries this year reaches 25,340, approximately 4,000 units lower than the target set by the government. Throughout the year, “continuation lotteries” were also held – lotteries of apartments that were not selected in previous rounds of lotteries, in which another 1,746 housing units were drawn. So the final number reaches 27,086 apartments, almost 3,000 housing units lower than the target.

The Minister of Construction and Housing, Ze’ev Elkin, said in response that “Along with the steps to dramatically expand the number of land sales for housing to 100,000 per year, it was clear to us that we must also return the discount housing programs for young couples, which would give them the opportunity to purchase an apartment right now, at a discount of hundreds Thousands of shekels at the expense of the state. During this year, almost 30,000 families will be able to buy an apartment at a significant discount, at the expense of the state. Next year, the Ministry of Construction and Housing will succeed in producing another 45,000 apartments at a discount, if the new Minister of Construction and Housing does not stop it.”

The director general of the Ministry of Construction and Housing, Aviad Friedman, said in response that “with the beginning of the new civil year, thousands of additional households will be able to purchase an apartment at a significant discount, and start 2023 on the right foot. The upcoming lottery is a direct continuation of all the steps and moves promoted by the ministry in the recent period. There is still a lot of work, but I can safely say that the processes we have done and promoted in the recent period will bear fruit in the near future.”

The Director General of the Israel Land Authority, Attorney Yaakov (Yanki) Quint, responded that “the fourth lottery that marks the year 2022 will allow thousands more families to enjoy an apartment at a price discounted by dozens of percent from market prices. Just yesterday, target price tenders for thousands of housing units in Rishon Lezion were closed , Yavne, Netivot, Petah Tikva, Nof HaGalil, Haifa, Beer Ya’akov and more, will buy discounted apartments for thousands of families. The Israel Land Authority will continue to act as it has done in the past two years to accelerate the increase in the supply of residential land and to find discounted and diverse solutions for the benefit of families and young people who do not yet own a residential apartment “.

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