The fragile health of Pérez-Sauquillo also forces the suspension of the trial for Invercaria’s aid to Bioaveda

by time news

2023-06-12 13:56:29

The Seventh Section of the Seville Court has suspended sine die the new trial of the macro-cause focused on the aid granted by the public venture capital company Invercaria, whose start was set for this Monday. The object of this separate piece is the set of participatory loans obtained by the Jaen company Bioaveda in 2009 and the reason that has not been celebrated is, again, the state of health of the only defendant, Tomás Pérez-Sauquillofor whom the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor is asking for six and a half years in prison.

Es the second trial that is suspended in just over a month due to the different problems that the person who was president of Invercaria drags on. On May 8, the Fourth Section did the same with the oral hearing that was going to analyze the participatory loans granted to Electronic Devices Manufacture (EDM) for a value of 1.18 million euros. Pérez-Sauquillo’s lawyer then explained that his client was admitted to a hospital in Madrid and pending surgery on both the prostate and the heart. “We do not know if he will be intervened in a day, a week or two months,” said the lawyer. To this day, the investigator continues in the same situation.

In the trial that was to begin this Monday, Pérez-Sauquillo is the only defendant because The company administrator has already passed away.. The Prosecutor’s Office attributes to him an alleged continued crime of prevarication in competition with a continued crime of embezzlement and, in addition to the prison sentence, demands twenty years of absolute disqualification and that compensates the Administration with 166,101 euros.

The Prosecutor’s Office affirms that it knew the “weaknesses” of the company and still gave it 90,000 euros

According to the indictment, the Invercaria technicians already pointed out in November 2008 that there were “weaknesses” in the investment project in Bioaveda, such as its “weak image in the market” and “doubts about the patentability” of its products. Despite this, Pérez-Sauquillo signed a participative loan of 90,000 euros in April 2009 “knowing the null capacity of the company to return the funds”.

The defendant, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, acted “missing the most elementary management rules” of Invercaria and already in November 2009, despite knowing that Bioaveda “had not accredited the committed investments” for another 90,000 euros that had been previously granted in 2006, “agreed to extend the maturity” of said initial loan “without competition” for it.

Pérez-Sauquillo is firmly sentenced to three and a half years in prison for prevarication in a contest with embezzlement for an arbitrary loan of 100,000 euros to the company Aceitunas Tatis. When the First Section of the Seville Court ordered his “immediate voluntary entry into prison”on January 23, his lawyer requested that it be suspended due to his state of health.

In a letter addressed to that Chamber, the defendant’s defense requested the suspension of his entry into prison in application of article 80.4 of the Criminal Code, given the “extraordinary serious state of health” of Pérez-Sauquillo, because his current situation, according to the “diseases he suffers from and his special medical treatment” prevented him from “being suitably developed by the medical services of any penitentiary center”, which would have “as an unavoidable consequence” a “serious risk to his own life”.

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