The free word – Draghi’s resignation

by time news
  • Outrageous

    EU officials are treating themselves to an 8.5% pay rise as they wisely linked their lavish salaries to inflation at the time. What …

  • 8.5% pay rise for MEPs

    While the average European earner is literally being “plucked” financially by the skyrocketing inflation rate, at the same time the …

  • politics disappears

    It is more than unusual how relaxed and carefree the National Council acts in times of crisis. As war rages on in Ukraine, the…

  • Teeth together and through!

    “The Free Word” is required reading for me, I’m very interested in the opinions of others and am now a bit stunned that the …

  • Draghi’s resignation

    Prime Minister Draghi was undoubtedly a beacon of hope in crisis-ridden Italy. He wanted to modernize the country and ultimately had to…

  • Europe is destabilizing

    By autumn at the latest, it was to be expected that Europe would increasingly crumble itself. The process of progressive self-destruction of Europe is…

    Christian Stafflinger
