The Freestyle Libre 2: Problems and Complaints – Response from Healthcare and Manufacturer

by time news

2024-01-27 18:00:24


reading time 3 minutes



The Freestyle Libre is a commonly used aid among people with diabetes. The device continuously measures the sugar level and thus gives diabetes patients more insight into their glucose levels. This gives them more confidence and a higher quality of life. However, a large group of patients have regularly experienced problems since the arrival of the Freestyle Libre 2.

About 1.2 million Dutch people have diabetes. This chronic disease is also called a ‘silent killer’ because of the serious complications that can occur. The Freestyle Libre from manufacturer Abbott is the most commonly used. This is because this device is the only one that is broadly reimbursed by health insurers.

How does the Freestyle Libre 2 work?

That system works as follows. Glucose levels are continuously measured in the subcutaneous fluid by means of a sensor with a small needle, which is usually attached to the upper arm. You can view these values ​​using a reader or an app on your phone.

It is possible to set various alarms that, for example, warn you if your glucose value is too high (called a hyper) or too low (called a hypo). This way you are able to anticipate in time and prevent health damage.

Earlier attention in Kassa

In 2018 and 2019 (click on the years to read the relevant file texts again), Kassa already paid attention to the Freestyle Libre 1. At the time, we advocated reimbursement for a large group of diabetes patients. You can see both reports below.

This article continues after the reports below.

Report from 2018Report from 2019

The new version has been available since 2020: the Freestyle Libre 2. This model causes problems for a significant number of users. What exactly goes wrong with this model?

Complaints about the Freestyle Libre 2

The Freestyle Libre 2’s glucose monitoring system regularly malfunctions. For example, people complain about malfunctions (for example error codes or a scan that does not go through), loss of signal, glucose values ​​that are not registered or are incorrect, false alarms or no alarms when they should be and activation of the sensor that does not work.

Another common complaint that can have major consequences is that the sensors of the new model come off very easily. Normally a sensor must remain in place for two weeks, but that is not always achieved.

In addition, many people have the feeling that customer service with the most complaints does not really do anything. Your report will be registered, but most of the problems will not change.

Response from the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate

In the Netherlands, the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) is responsible for the quality of care. They also recognize the complaints about the Freestyle Libre 2. Last year the IGJ received at least a hundred signals and reports. They have also had repeated discussions with Abbott about this in recent years.

Patients who do not feel sufficiently heard by Abbott can contact the National Healthcare Reporting Point (LMZ). The Inspectorate then assesses whether action should be taken based on these reports.

The full response from the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate can be found below (.pdf)

Response from manufacturer Abbott

In a response to Kassa, Abbott said that they see it as their duty to provide accurate and reliable technology for diabetics. The company encourages customers to contact customer service if they have any questions or complaints.

Abbott’s full response can be found below (.pdf)

#Freestyle #Libre #nice #system #diabetics #poor #performance #Checkout

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