the French on the road to vacation

by time news



France 3
Article written by

T.Cuny, B.Dunglas, J.Piperaud, I.Pernet-Duparc, C.Heudes, P.Coussy, S.Worreth, C.Beauvalet

France 3

France Televisions

Friday, April 15 was a busy day on the roads. As the Easter holidays begin for zone A, the radiant sun is also smiling on tourism professionals.

At the entrance to the Mont-Blanc tunnel (Haute-Savoie), the first slowdowns delay motorists, Friday April 15. Many of them have chosen Italy for the Easter weekend, sometimes with a wait of more than an hour. “We said to ourselves: ‘We’re leaving early’, then it’s not early enough. We should have left a little earlier”, says a woman. The large crowd does not escape the watchful eye of a gendarme, hidden in the tall grass on the national 141. “It’s going to be sunny this weekend, it’s announced. People are going to go to their resorts or to their families, and they’re in a hurry to get there”explains Lieutenant Fabrice Carbonnier, of the Haute-Vienne motorized squadron.

After several hours on the road, the lucky ones arrived at their destination. In Veules-les-Roses (Seine-Maritime), the establishment of Sylvie Besnard, hotelier, is full for the three days of the Easter weekend. “People, at the last second, as soon as the ray of sunshine is announced, we see them arriving in the magnificent village”says Sylvie Besnard.

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