The funny caught Karlos Arguiñano live

by time news

Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 09:39

Karlos Arguiñano surprises every day with his cooking recipes. The likeable chef from Beasain continues to give a lot to talk about with all kinds of proposals and the most varied dishes, whose secrets and preparation process he usually explains in an entertaining and didactic way in ‘Open Kitchen’, the space that he presents daily in Antenna 3.

Karlos Arguiñano, ‘in fragrance’

Of course, what is not so common is that it is Karlos Arguiñano himself who is caught red-handed, red-handed… and, far from it, in full preparation of the recipe on duty. And what better example of this than the recent catch in full direct of his sister Eva de él, who knows him perfectly and who was not surprised by the little whim that Karlos Arguiñano himself gave himself in full direct…

The anecdote took place last week, when the popular chef was preparing a recipe for soupy rice with clams and peas and a meringue roll with strawberries. Karlos Arguiñano completed the first part of the menu without setbacks and then it was the turn of his sister Eva de él, a veteran pastry chef who regularly collaborates on the program.

Eva, to Karlos Arguiñano: “Where are you?”

Once the dish was prepared, Eva Arguiñano got down to work to decorate it and thus put the final touch on the meringue roll: a little cream, some strawberries… and, in a flash, Karlos Arguiñano disappeared from camera. Where was the talkative cook? Eva looked for him but did not find him: “Karlos, where are you?” The camera expanded her field of vision and Karlos Arguiñano himself could be seen from behind, secretly… and in full swing filling his stomach.

“What are you, eating?” asked Eva Arguiñano, asking for explanations. Karlos did not hesitate and with the face of not having broken a plate he immediately intoned the ‘mea culpa’. «Yes, it’s just that I couldn’t stand it…, he excused himself. Eva Arguiñano smiled complacently. “I see, I see. We have said for the cooks but… have you left me something?», she asked. Karlos Arguiñano, with his appetite already satisfied, generously confirmed: “Yes, you have a little tip left.”

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