The futile protests against the sell-out on RTL

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The futile protests against the sell-out on RTL

The The

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

Do magazines and television go together? At RTL, it is apparently a condition that print media can be transferred to TV formats – otherwise they will be thrown out. There is resistance among the staff of the former publishing house Gruner+ Jahr.

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The magazine publisher Gruner+ Jahr has been part of the television company RTL for a good year – both are part of the media company Bertelsmann. Its CEO Thomas Rabe clearly does not believe that G+J alone could have asserted itself in the transformed media world.

But the magazine portfolio has been under scrutiny for some time. Only the brands that are suitable for television should remain with RTL. Critics point out that G+J is profitable, but this is probably the reason why they now want to part with some titles.

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Since then, scenarios have been played out as to which titles could be sold to whom. “Brigitte” to the Jahresen-Verlag, “Geo” and “Capital” to the “Spiegel”? In the past week, G+J/RTL employees protested against the plans, and a letter was sent to the Mohn family, owners of Bertelsmann. In this issue of “Media Week” we talk about the prospects in Hamburg.

In addition, we are once again putting the topic of artificial intelligence on the agenda. The picture agency Getty Images has just sued the AI ​​company Stability AI because their image generator was “trained” with Getty images without the authors being paid for it. And now?

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Finally, we take a look at the change from ARD journalist Michael Stempfle, who will become the new spokesman for the Ministry of Defence. A few days before the announced change, Stempfle had published an opinion piece in which he had praised the new Minister Boris Pistorius about the green clover. Which at least looked strange.

Die “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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