The future? Multiply the events and think about how to increase the audience –

by time news
from Paolo Mereghetti

The effort should be made not only in the “usual” cities but where the provincial locals struggle every day to restart and everyone should optimize their efforts

L’commitment could not have been greater: all Italian cinema has made an appointment to reward and celebrate, but outside Cinecittà the news coming from the world of celluloid (but yes, let’s still call it that, as in the good old days!) exciting. Indeed, someone might recall the orchestra that continued to play while the Titanic… The comparison, however, would be ungenerous: despite the pandemic, Italian cinema has been able to produce remarkable works, of which to be proud. And yesterday nominations and awards were there to prove it (as did Scarpetta’s true emotion).

But perhaps the problem must be sought (and resolved) outside the awards ceremonies, in greater collaboration between the various sectors (as the directors of RaiCinema and Medusa wished on the Courier); perhaps a way should be found to multiply events, and not only in the “usual” cities but where the provincial locals struggle every day to restart; perhaps everyone, really everyone, should be able to multiply and optimize their efforts (too many second thoughts on the “window problem”, that is, the time between screenings at the cinema and the passage to streaming and TV are the indicator of poor coordination). And perhaps we should think that, in addition to producing good films (thanks to the generosity that Minister Franceschini was keen to remember), we should worry about how to increase the number of spectators … It is from them that cinema can restart and it is for them , after all, that rewards are created and given.

May 3, 2022 (change May 4, 2022 | 07:43)

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