The future of Haifa now depends on Lapid’s decision

by time news

It is impossible to ignore the Palestinian national identity today, despite its short roots and despite the communal nature of its very formation in response to the activities of the Zionist movement.

The establishment of a Palestinian state is an essential part of resolving the conflict. But since its rise today would be an existential threat to Israel, it must be postponed until the conditions for reconciliation between the two peoples living in this land are created.

The establishment of a Palestinian state is an essential part of resolving the conflict. But since its rise today would constitute an existential threat to Israel, it must be postponed until the conditions for reconciliation between the two peoples living in this land are created

The ideal solution to the conflict is the division of the country between us into two sovereign countries with a democratic regime, in each of which a minority of the order of 20% of the other people will live. This is because the entire country, and not just parts of it, is the homeland of both peoples, and the minorities will serve as representatives of their peoples in territories that are not under their sovereignty.

The Israeli-Arab conflict is unique in human history, and stems from the fact that one of the parties returned to a national revival in its historical homeland, after an absence of about two thousand years, and it is fighting for its existence with the people that took its place in its absence.

From a technical point of view, the two nations live “at the same address”, with each of them having their own memories of the same sites from different periods. The most tangible symbol of the duality of ownership is, of course, the Temple Mount, to which the opposing feelings of identity of the members of the two nations are most powerfully hoped.

But while the Jews, despite their belief in their exclusive ownership of the land, are mostly willing to recognize the right of the Arabs to exist in it, there is no corresponding recognition prevailing on the Arab side. Even today, despite the state of peace that prevails between Israel and some Arab countries, the overwhelming majority of Arabs in the Middle East still do not see any solution to the conflict other than the annihilation of the State of Israel and the departure of its Jewish inhabitants from the country.

Palestinian nationalism plays a central role in all of this. In the eyes of many in the Arab world, Palestinian existence is the antithesis of Israel’s existenceand the Palestinians are used for the rest of the Arabs as a guarantee that Israel will eventually disappear.

This is also the logic behind the perpetuation of the refugee camps and the UNRA agency that has been taking care of them and their descendants for three generations or more, and behind what is defined as the “right of return” of all these – over five million people today – to the borders of the State of Israel.

From a technical point of view, the two nations live “at the same address”, with each of them having their own memories of the same sites from different periods. The most tangible symbol of the duality of ownership is the Temple Mount, to which we hope the conflicting feelings of identity

As long as this is the case, there is no possibility of reaching a solution to the conflict, because any territorial or sovereign concession on our part to the Palestinians will be used by them, as has been done so far, as a springboard for continuing the struggle against us and will weaken us.

Therefore, the first condition for any solution must be extensive mutual recognition among the two peoples of the national rights of the other people in Israel, and first of all the right of self-determination in part of it. In light of the current situation, it can be assumed that this will take many more years. But only then will it be possible to move forward.

These are two separate and different nations, each of which has a historical right to the entire land. That is why they must reach a compromise arrangement between them in which each of them will live in their own sovereign state.

The reality on the ground today dictates clear things:

  • On the one hand, it is impossible to annex the vast majority of Judea and Samaria to Israel, because this would weaken the Jewish majority in the country and harm the national rights of our neighboring people.
  • On the other hand, it is impossible to completely disengage from these territories, because this would harm our national rights and even put us in more existential danger than the disengagement from Gaza at the time. This is in view of the resolute Arab and Palestinian popular opposition to the existence of a Jewish state in Israel and in view of the threat from hostile regional elements that will take advantage of the empty space that will be created, both towards us and towards Jordan.

These are two separate and different nations, each of which has a historical right to the entire land. That is why they must reach a compromise arrangement between them in which each of them will live in their own sovereign state

Against this impossible situation, in my opinion, the principle of reciprocity between the two peoples must be placed: a Palestinian state can only be established when the Palestinians recognize the national rights of the Jews in the land, alongside their own rights in it.

Another condition is that this country will be democratic in the style of Israel with a percentage of Jewish citizens equal to that of the Arab citizens in Israel and the same rights and obligations will apply to them.

Hence, the State of Israel must encourage Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria – of course not on privately owned Palestinian lands – until it reaches the dimensions required in accordance with the aforementioned principle of reciprocity, and in the future – also in the Gaza Strip when this becomes possible. This is with the understanding that when the stage of reconciliation between the nations comes in the future, the Jewish settlers there will become citizens of the Palestinian state.

The Jewish society in these territories should be a growing and vibrant society and integrated into the life of the new state and its institutions to the same extent as the Arab society in Israel. An important condition for its growth involves acquiring the Arabic language very well.

This type of solution will allow us to present the Palestinians with a respectable future political horizon without harming our national rights, because they will not be recognized by us for their right to self-determination in Israel without them recognizing our corresponding right.

Also, we can continue to maintain our relationship as a nation with the territories of our historical homeland through the Jews who lived there even after the establishment of the Palestinian state, similar to the relationship of the Palestinians with the territories of Israel through the Arab citizens who live here.

The Jewish presence in the Palestinian state will contribute to its stability and ensuring its existence as a democratic state and also to closer ties between it and the State of Israel. It will also prevent the possibility of subversive activity on its part among Arab citizens in Israel, because it will also be exposed to a similar threat. Such a solution would also be seen as fair on the international level.

The Jewish presence in the Palestinian state will contribute to its stability and ensure its existence as a democracy and closer ties between it and Israel. It will also prevent subversive activity among Arab citizens in Israel, because they will be exposed to a similar threat

It is to be hoped that in the end the people of the two nations will come to an understanding that the opposing nation remains in Israel and is not going anywhere, and that they are destined to reach an agreement that will respect the national rights of the two nations in the spirit of what is written here.

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