The Future of Healthcare Choices in Stockholm: A Debate and Analysis from SvD Ledare

by time news

This is a text from SvD Ledare. The editorial board is party-politically independent with the designation unbound moderate.

Lovisa Lanryd at the Timbro think tank has written a report on how healthcare has changed in Region Stockholm since the change of power in 2022. She is concerned that freedom of choice is decreasing in many areas. Christine Lorne, primary care regional councilor from the Center Party, disagrees. Andreas Ericson leads the conversation.

What do the facts actually look like? Are there reasons to worry about poorer accessibility, less freedom of choice and longer queues in care under the new regional government, or are the fears exaggerated?

SvD Editorial office – 45 min

Is it time to say goodbye to healthcare choices Stockholm?

April 4th. Lovisa Lanryd at the Timbro think tank has written a report on how healthcare has changed in Region Stockholm since the change of power in 2022. She is concerned that freedom of choice is decreasing in many areas. Christine Lorne, primary care regional councilor from the Center Party, disagrees. Andreas Ericson leads the conversation.

Listen to Ledarredaktionen

The editorial is produced by Svenska Dagbladet and distributed by Acast. In addition to listening here on, you can also listen to the podcast on the following channels:

Find the podcast by searching for “Ledarredaktionen” – or click on the links.

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