The G-7 nations have warned that Russia could face serious repercussions if it invades Ukraine

by time news

Liverpool: G-7 nations warn Russia of dire consequences if it invades Ukraine The draft resolution was approved by the G-7 Diplomatic Meeting in Liverpool, UK.

The U.S. says Russia is preparing for the invasion by deploying more than 1.5 million troops and artillery along the Ukrainian border. The action was taken on the basis of information leaked to the intelligence unit. Russia, however, denied the allegations and said the reports were based on “blind hostility” to the country.

The meeting condemned the military deployment. Russia has no doubt that military action against Ukraine will backfire. The draft declaration approved by the meeting states that it reiterates its commitment to ensuring Ukraine’s sovereignty and regional integrity.

U.S. Representatives from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada and the European Union attended the summit. The announcement also stated that it would support efforts to fully implement the Minsk Accords to resolve the problems in eastern Ukraine. British Foreign Secretary List Truss said the meeting was highly critical of Russia.

Biden-Putin talks to take place – Russia

Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on the U.S. to hold detailed talks on the situation in Ukraine. Russia says President Joe Biden has agreed. Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the decision was made during a video call between the two on December 7. He said Putin was also interested in a face-to-face meeting.

content highlights: g7 nations warns russia


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