The GABTROTTER association will train 30 vulnerable women in digital professions in Port-Gentil

by time news

2023-06-13 16:53:28

The GABTROTTER association will train 30 vulnerable women in digital professions in Port-Gentil

June 13, 2023

The official launch of this innovative free training was made on June 10 in the economic capital of Gabon. This training is an initiative funded by the French Embassy and in Sao Tome and Principe in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, Responsible for Human Rights and Gender Equality within the framework of the Innovative Projects of Civil Societies and Coalitions of Actors (PISCCA) fund in its 2022-2023 edition.

This launch is the culmination of a long process of raising awareness and information around the project through a call for applications from the target audience, before the pre-selection phase which resulted in the selection of 60 profiles compatible with the objectives of the program. of training. Out of 317 applicants, nearly 63% agreed to the home visit and the psychological interview with the aim of verifying whether the information entered in the application form was true. The association would like to retain after one month of training, the 30 best profiles who should at the end of the training benefit from support for the realization of income-generating activities both individually and collectively.

According to Raissa Nadège ENDINGUI, Coordinator of the training program within the Gabtrotter association ” this training program is part of the missions of our association. Give tools to disadvantaged women for two (2) face-to-face or online so that they are autonomous and independent “. The participants each received a kit containing a notepad, the course schedule and a letter of commitment. It is planned as a common core module, among other things, public speaking, writing CVs and cover letters, initiation to entrepreneurship, optimizing a video project, managing personal finances, using French as the language of work. After the common core, skills will determine the different specialties retained in the program for the rest of the program.

Anais NOLL MBINA, Project management assistant for the PISCCA program of the French Embassy in Gabon, indicated in her circumstantial remarks that: ” as part of this program, in 2022 we supported ten (10) Gabonese associations working in favor of women’s rights. And in 2023 we are supporting nine (9) projects, four (4) of which are taking place in Port-Gentil. Today we are at the launch of the Gabtrotter training which is designed for women who wish to acquire new digital skills. The program wants to promote the autonomy of women, avoid economic dependence, avoid situations of violence because they are possibly dependent on a spouse, a husband, etc. Allow them to ensure their daily life, to gain self-confidence and to be the actresses of digital today ».

The beneficiaries of this program were very enthusiastic. Like Starlette ITSIEMBOU who believes that it is a great opportunity to reposition herself in society. The program accompanies young girls/women mothers in conflict with the law, out of school or victims of domestic or gender-based violence. The association will follow the beneficiaries throughout the program from theory to practice with the obtaining of internships in local companies. The training launch day ended with a sporting activity, ranging from walking to team building. The objective is to create a new state of mind among the beneficiaries.

As a reminder, GABTROTTER is a non-profit organization created in 2018 with the aim of promoting the responsible use of technology and media. The association is one of the 9 winners of the PISCCA 2023 alongside the AGIR POUR LE GENRE association, the GASER SCOOP cooperative, the SIFOS NGO, the PIVOT 4.0 association, the NGO coalition Sexual Health Awareness (3S) & the Youth Education Health Sexuality Association (JESS), SAMBA LABS Association, YEMALY Association and NGENG BONNE Association.

The objective of the PISCCA fund is to support civil society and finance projects that have a positive impact on gender equality in the country. The PISCCA fund will allocate a total financing of 13,119,140 FCFA for the realization of these projects.

Dorian ONDOMore

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