the gap is further reduced in the first round between Macron and Le Pen

by time news

The gap between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen in the first round of the presidential election is narrowing considerably as the presidential candidate, down four points in two weeks, faces the sharp rise of his rival, according to a Kantar-Epoka poll published on Tuesday.

In the delicate position of the outgoing president who concentrates criticism, Emmanuel Macron, is credited with 25% of voting intentions (- 4 points since a previous Kantar poll of March 21-23). However, he benefits from a proportion of voters who say they are sure to vote for him of 76% five days before the first round.

The National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen jumped to 23% (+3 points) of voting intentions, in 2nd position, and confirmed her momentum in March. His voters have the same confidence as those of Emmanuel Macron regarding their choice of vote (73%).

LFI candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon continues to progress (16%, +2 points) and consolidates his position as third man.

Eric Zemmour, stable at 11%, is ahead of the LR candidate Valérie Pécresse who shows a sharp drop (8%, -2 points). Sixth in the standings and last candidate to have reached the 5% mark, the ecologist Yannick Jadot has benefited from a slight increase (5%, +0.5 points) in voting intentions.

The communist candidate Fabien Roussel is joined by Jean Lassalle (Résistons!, + 1 point) at 3%. The elected representative of Pyrénées-Atlantique thus overtakes the socialist candidate and mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo (2.5%, +0.5 points).

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France) is down slightly at the back of the pack (2%, -0.5 points) while the two Trotskyist candidates Philippe Poutou (NPA) and Nathalie Arthaud (LO) bring up the rear respectively at 1 % and 0.5%.

Voting intentions do not constitute a forecast of the outcome of the vote. They give an indication of the balance of power and dynamics on the day of the survey.

Survey carried out on April 4 and 5, according to the quota method, with a sample of 1,467 people representative of residents of the French population aged 18 and over, including 1,394 registered on the electoral lists. Margin of error between 0.4 and 2.3 points.

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