“The Gate of the sublime ramparts”, such a joyful Sibelle – Liberation

by time news

2023-05-23 14:39:00

Mardi Science-Fiction dossier

Pierre Bordage finds a new vigor with these 500 pages of erotic fantasy mixed with humor and epic fights.

find Every Tuesday a column, an interview or a portrait linked to a science fiction text that is in the news.

Who still dares to speak of “secret valley” or of “bud of a thousand delights” to evoke the coat of arms sung by Brassens? Pierre Border. At nearly 70 years old, the master of the French imagination seems (literally, of course…) to discover sex and use it to give wings to a talent whose recent the tenth ship (Scrineo) seemed to mark a certain trampling. This erotic escapade, of which he had been talking greedily to his admirers for some time, is now in our hands. So here is Sibelle, a sort of fantasy Angelique, «charmeresse» (here too, it’s more elegant than “whore”) in a world that she will cross armed essentially with a beauty evoked as unparalleled and with a very broad open-mindedness as to the use she In fact. Narrowly escaping priced defloration, she passed successively into the hands of a flamboyant pirate, a victorious warrior, a young and shy jailer, a groom (we are in times as feminist as bisexual) and even of a monstrous god to whom, at the end of efforts more supported than those necessary to return to a toad its aspect of prince charming but just as effective, it will restore human appearance. Sex at Bordage is gay, a dispenser of generous orgasms, both for novices and seasoned professionals, and devoid of moralizing ulterior motives and prudishness.

Fully Naked Warriors and Warriors

Would these cheerful additions be enough to make this novel interesting? No, of course. But Bordage proves with renewed vigor how wonderful a storyteller he can be. The portrait he paints for us of his world situates him between Jack Vance and George RR Martin, undisputed references in terms of warrior fantasy, epic combat and amused distance. Because Sibelle will find herself precipitated as well in a war between the tyrannical empire of the Supreme and an army of warriors and completely naked warriors (which facilitates somersaults at the bivouac…) as in an ayahuasca session which will let her glimpse a grandiose destiny. … Humor is not absent from the epic, especially in the way a belated virgin invents the income tax or the ease with which big, belligerent bullies are promptly eliminated. Jumping from one chapter to another, Bordage gets rid of his characters after giving them three small tours of the scene, but manages to endow each of them with a personality. Do we in turn dare to write that these 500 pages (which precede the additional 500 planned for the beginning of next year) are perfectly packaged?

Pierre Border, The Gate of the Sublime Ramparts t.1Au Diable Vauvert, 492 pp., €23 (ebook: €12.99).

#Gate #sublime #ramparts #joyful #Sibelle #Liberation

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