The Generalitat Valenciana will expedite building licenses and the PSOE fears a return to “uncontrolled urbanism” | Valencian Community | Spain

by time news

2023-08-01 17:52:25

Workers working on the construction of houses, in Valencia. Monica Torres

The Valencian Generalitat will promote a modification of the Autonomous Law on Territorial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape (LOTUP) to introduce the responsible declaration formula, in order to expedite housing construction licenses based on basic projects and “expedite the licences”. The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, in the company of the mayoress of Valencia, María José Català, both of the PP, announced this morning after holding a working meeting.

This change in the regulations will mean that in four, five or six weeks, two months at the most, a license will be granted, compared to the delays of “up to two years” that currently occur in some cases in Valencia, according to what has been said the head of the council The modification of article 238 of the LOTUP will be made through the 2024 Law for Monitoring the Budgets of the Generalitat and implies “compliance with the commitment to end bureaucracy” and provide administrative streamlining, and will help improve the offer of housing and economic recovery”, according to Mazón.

The current delays in the granting of licenses affect “more than 1,600 homes in the city of Valencia alone” and the stoppage affects the entire Valencian Community. The Official College of Industrial Technical Engineers or the Association of Promoters of Valencia (Aprova) have complained throughout this year about the delays and traffic jams when granting licenses by the Valencia City Council, which governed Compromís and the PSPV- PSOE prior to the victory of the PP in the last elections of May 28. Accusations that the government team denied and ensured that the process was rigorous and guaranteed.

“There will be less bureaucracy and costs will be reduced because time is reduced,” according to Mazón, who recalled that the change in the law will be accompanied by a tax reduction in access to housing next year.

After making the announcement, the deputy spokesperson for the PSPV-PSOE in Les Corts and former Minister for the Right to Housing and Public Works, María José Salvador, has accused the Popular Party of “wanting to return to the uncontrolled urban planning model” by announcing a modification of the LOTUP and has asked the counselor of the branch Salomé Pradas “on what is this modification based and if there is an agreement with the agents involved to put it into operation”. “This is not a time for inventions, it is a time for legal security and rigor,” she insisted.

In this sense, Salvador has explained that “the modification of the LOTUP that President Mazón has announced today is only going to generate legal uncertainty in the Valencian Community” and has branded the decision as “unilateral” since “everything seems aim, does not have the agreement of the agents involved to start it up”.

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