The genocide in Palestine inaugurates a new era of fascism

by time news

2023-12-22 22:37:13

We publish this article from Crisis Magazine. It is a digital magazine, which was born with the objective of presenting a new leftist reference in Ecuador. With this publication on the Palestinian struggle we began and finalized a collaboration between the two media, through the exchange of articles.

In these 58 days the fascist State of Israel verified that international tolerance against the Palestinian genocide and occupation is infinite. After a bilateral ceasefire between November 24 and December 1, which allowed the exchange of hostages, The Zionist State of Israel resumed carpet bombing of Gaza. Meanwhile, on the international scene, the official demonstrations that have been present are few and small, such as Bolivia, Ireland and to a lesser extent, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. On the contrary, The colonial and genocidal State of Israel has the support and complicity of the entire West, in addition to the silence or ineffectiveness of the Arab States, China and Russia.

It is estimated that the Zionist genocide has claimed more than 20,000 Palestinian lives since last October 7. In the last 24 hours alone, 316 deaths were reported and more than 1,000 in the last 48 hours. The ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people – broadcast live on social networks – has multiple parallels in history, including the Nazi genocide as the closest reference. It is ironic that after 78 years of an attempt to erase the Jewish peoples from the earth – in addition to millions of communists and anarchists, Sinti and Roma -, a fraction of the peoples who experienced that genocide, engage in exactly the same practices.

According to the dialectical-materialist method, History repeats itself at various times with particular features. The dynamics of capitalism once again create infinite systemic crises, which end up bringing humanity closer to the abyss or revolution. In this sense, The invocation of fascism, to which the bourgeoisie constantly resorts, represents the last resort in the face of a moment of possible social change.. We cannot forget that capitalism deepens and strengthens precisely through crises. At the same timethe intensified genocide of the Palestinian people – which has lasted for more than 75 years – demonstrates the general decline of the West and the capitalist model in general, which seems to fall ever deeper into a cyclical spiral of multiple crises.combined with the rise of a multipolar geopolitical scenario.

The current panorama in Palestine seems to indicate the beginning of the phase – or solution – final ethnic cleansing: the absolute extermination of the people, with the intention of depopulating the territory and consolidating the Israeli colony. The ceasefire ended up being only a short-lived relief, as the onslaught of the fascist State of Israel intensifies the genocide with each passing hour. On the other hand, land and sniper attacks increased in both the West Bank and East Jerusalem, demonstrating that this is definitely not a “war on terrorism.”

The objective of Zionism is to take genocide and occupation to its maximum expression, now counting on the explicit confirmation of the international community that impunity protects them. This December 2, the genocidal Netanyahu inaugurated the first settlement in the north of the Gaza Strip, making a political manifesto that can only be set as a precedent by an aggressive, decades-long military incursion on the Palestinian territory and people. The final solution of Zionism – using language from its ideological allies, Nazism – is the complete extermination of Palestine, including its territory, its culture, and its people –These being the three elements that form a State and national community.

The self-convened response of the peoples of the world had significant strength and massiveness – especially in the global North. The lack of ideological clarity of the demandswhich were motivated to a greater extent from a humanist spirit and to a lesser extent from a vindication of the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to resistance; as well as the inorganic nature of the mobilizations, wore down the mobilizations week after week. Nowhere in the world have the mobilizations managed to appeal to the political will of States to condemn the State of Israel for its serious crimes against humanity. Even the United States, Germany, France, Belgium and Israel itself have drafted laws that criminalize not only protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people, but also limit the scope of the anti-Zionist political positionwhich also officially criminalizes the broad spectrum of the political left, especially to the consistent left.

Likewise, not only has the power of communication corporations conspired to ban or intervene in the algorithm on social networks regarding solidarity with Palestine. Extreme violence does function as a pedagogy of cruelty, both inside and outside the directly affected territory. Normalization and emotional exhaustion have played an important role in the decline of demonstrations and publications regarding the genocide. The evidence makes it indisputable that liberalism’s principles of democracy and defense of human rights are nothing more than a fallacy. The West’s campaign to criminalize the Palestinian resistance goes to the point of justifying and even celebrating its complete extermination, and the collective punishment against an entire people.

It is demonstrated that we do not have enough strength or organization to make a difference in the lives of our Palestinian sisters and brothers. Not due to lack of will, but due to lack of organization. The liberal discourse brought together in progressivism and NGOism They have managed to stifle to a large extent the popular organizational capacities, and have marked the political and organizational proposals of the consistent left as extreme, ultra-utrist and even infantile.

Only now – more than 30 years later – do we begin to feel the fall of the socialist front on our material and political reality. Zionist fascism – the new world order – consolidates itself with the baptism of blood of the Palestinian people, but it will not be the only people that will suffer the consequences of the new hegemony of the totalitarian ultra-right. Now we face fascism, without a red army and in the midst of the deepest ideological crisis in history.

For its part, the Palestinian people, who have articulated themselves to an immense extent in various organizations in resistance unified in a great general command, such as Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP-Marxists-Leninists), Al-Ansar Brigades, Al-Quds Brigades, and more; have reaffirmed that The political project of the Palestinian people continues to be national liberation, and that the only acceptable justice, after more than 70 years of siege, is the return of all occupied lands and the end of the State of Israel.

Once again, Lenin’s call for local organization as the best expression of solidarity between people’s struggles becomes a real emergency. Far from being a rhetorical speech, the popular organization must be understood as an urgent call to action against what is coming for the people of the world. The new world order that was inaugurated with the Palestinian genocide poses an extremely harsh future scenario: fascism. We know that our strength lies in our numerical superiority, but we also know that our numerical superiority is irrelevant if it is not organic. This is perhaps our last opportunity to realize the historical project of the working class. We better rise to the occasion.

Eternal solidarity with the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Originally published in Crisis Magazine

#genocide #Palestine #inaugurates #era #fascism

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