The German Netto chain will open an autonomous supermarket in Munich using computerized vision technology from Israeli Trigo

by time news

The Netto chain, which operates 4,000 supermarkets throughout Germany, will develop an autonomous supermarket based on computer vision technology from Israeli Trigo. The Net chain is owned by the EDEKA Group, one of the world’s retail giants. It joins major chains in Europe that have adopted Trigo’s technology, including Tesco, ALDI Nord and REWE.

The autonomous supermarket will open in the Schwabing neighborhood, a bustling cultural and entertainment area near the University of Munich that is characterized by a population with high digital literacy. It will cover 250 square meters and will include 3,500 different shopping items, including pastries, fruits and vegetables that will all be identified by Trigo’s system.

The supermarket will operate using the “pick & go” method. Buyers will pick up the products they are interested in in the supermarket cart or carry in their hands and will be able to leave the store without going through the checkout. Trigo’s system will identify the products that each customer collects by a combination of cameras, a system of artificial intelligence and computer vision that analyzes the images, similar to the technology of autonomous vehicles. At the end of the purchase, the customer will receive the invoice for the mobile device through the network app. One of the distinctive features of net stores is the sale of goods in bulk, which heralds the entry of technology into the discount chain category.

The store will be a hybrid and will also allow shopping at a regular checkout alongside the digital experience, for the benefit of casual shoppers who are not interested in signing up for the app and those who do not have a smartphone. Trigo’s system was designed in accordance with the strict privacy standards of Germany and the European Union. It does not collect or analyze biometric information and does not employ face recognition methods. The system anonymously centralizes information on buyers’ preferences that the network uses to streamline its work and service to consumers.

Michael Gabay, CEO of Trigo: “This is Trigo’s first entry into the world of discount chains with the first Lenta supermarket from the Adka Group. Trigo’s technology will help the chain make the shopping experience faster and at the same time improve the store’s operating capabilities. We are proud of the trust of the Net Network, one of the largest discount chains in the world, in the technology we have developed. From now on, the chain will provide its customers with the amazing shopping experience of going out without a checkout and at the same time enjoy modern capabilities for more efficient management of the sales floor, inventory and more. “

Trigo was founded in 2018 by the brothers Michael Gabay, the company’s CEO, and Daniel Gabay, the VP of technology. Since its inception, the company has raised $ 104 million from leading investors, including REWE and Tesco, and operates in cooperation with Shufersal in Israel and other chains in Europe and the US. The company recruits developers in the fields of artificial intelligence, algorithmics, engineering as well as product managers, operations and support.

Photo: Stefan Hobmaier


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