The Girona employers’ association FOEG denounces the brake caused by excessive bureaucracy

by time news

2023-10-20 06:30:53

“The Administration asks us to collaborate, we accept the challenge, but we would like to find the same desire to collaborate when we ask for help” was one of the claims that Ernest Planapresident of the Federation of Business Organizations of Girona (FOEG), made to the Generalitat during the institutional event that the FOEG held yesterday in the Auditorium of the Silja de Fornells de la Selva and that had as a starting point the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the companies. At the event, local companies with long history and success stories were also awarded and the conclusions of the round tables on CSR were also presented. The event had the participation of Carles Campuzanor, Counselor of Social Rights, Josep Sánchez Bookpresident of Labor Promotion; Go PlanDeputy for Assistance to Municipalities, General Services, Support to Local Entities, New Technologies and Public Procurement of the Diputació de Girona and Sonia Graciamayor of Fornells de la Selva.

“The country’s economic situation is unstable, we are facing major problems such as the climate crisis, uncontrolled inflation or supply problems.” Ernest Plana, president of the FOEG, began his speech with this sentence, who asked that, faced with this situation, the employers and entrepreneurs should receive more support from the Administration. “The Administration asks us to collaborate: to be more sustainable, inclusive and socials. We accept the challenge, but we would like to find the same desire to collaborate when we ask for help and this is not always the case” claimed the president of the FOEG who took the opportunity to place the paperwork and the lack of recruitment as the main obstacles on the wheels that businessmen and entrepreneurs have to deal with. “We have been asking for years to eliminate obstacles, bureaucracy and rules. Being an entrepreneur is more difficult every day, being self-employed and growing is impossible and finding workers is the main problem for companies,” he lamented.

Companies at the center

As a representative of the Diputació de Girona, Joan Plana added to the words of the president of the FOEG, recalling the challenges that Girona’s companies have to face and was pleased with the way they are facing them. “On behalf of the Provincial Council, I want to congratulate that the business fabric of Girona’s counties has been able to overcome the challenges posed by the crisis of 2008, the Covid-19 pandemic and inflation,” he celebrated. In this line, he emphasized “the resilience” of entrepreneurs which have made it possible for Girona’s economy to record the same figures as before the onset of the pandemic. Taking a look at the smallest companies, Joan Plana highlighted SMEs, which represent 90% of Girona’s business fabric, as an “indispensable element of the economy” and as main “sources of recruitment”.

The demands of Ernest Plana and Joan Plana were also joined by those of Josep Sánchez Llibre, president of Foment de Treball, who recalled the importance of companies in society. “Companies are fundamental engines for the generation of wealth, they are a source of jobs and they are also a pillar for social cohesion”.

For his part, Carles Campuzano, Minister of Social Rights, highlighted the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility, the central theme of the event, placing the companies as one of the key agents for social welfare. “There is no welfare state possible without an open, competitive economy, capable of growth and generating tax revenues” and “there is no solid and inclusive welfare state without a competitive economic environment,” he said. On the role of the RSC, Campuzano emphasized that “we need to build alliances between the third sector, companies and public administration” and celebrated, as one of the novelties announced at the event, that the FOEG incorporates third sector entities into its board.

The event, which revolved around Corporate Social Responsibility, presented the conclusions of the round tables on CSR that the Girona employer has carried out this past month.

The conclusions of the first table, “Workplace inclusion as a competitiveness factor: successful experiences” revolved around the second acronym of CSR. David Martí, vice-president of the FOEG, recalled that one of the conclusions drawn was that “companies must be socially responsible if they want to be more competitive” and, therefore, the last acronym could have an ambivalent meaning, “because it can be understood as corporate or competitive”. Martí also added that one of the conclusions drawn was that “it is not necessary to create a CSR department to be socially responsible” and that “there will only be business success when diversity is treated without stigma”.

Xavier Soy, secretary of the FOEG, was in charge of explaining the conclusions that were drawn at the second table entitled “The challenge, to be more competitive and more sustainable: success stories”. Among the conclusions drawn by the participants at the table, Soy highlighted one of the reflections defending that “producing sustainably is an added value for companies when positioning themselves in the market”.

Soy also explained that, one of the conclusions that were drawn, reflected on the fact that competitiveness and sustainability “are not antagonistic concepts, but that they feed each other” and, therefore, producing sustainably “is an added value ». Sergi Batlle Fornells de la Selva

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