The global coverage: Netanyahu “on the verge of a comeback” for the prime ministership

by time news

The international media covered the Israeli elections in the last day, with most of the reports focusing on Benjamin Netanyahu’s increasing chances of forming a coalition and returning to the position of Prime Minister.

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Minutes after the publication of the models last night (Tuesday) on the Israeli channels, the news sites reported that “victory is looming for Netanyahu in the Israeli elections, according to models”. “Bibi’s comeback seems a possible scenario now,” wrote the German “Spiegel”. The magazine estimated that the religious Zionist party from the extreme right is expected to enjoy “a lot of power” in a possible coalition that will be formed.

This morning (Wednesday) the media updated the news, and most of them reported that the right-wing bloc “maintains the advantage”, and that Netanyahu has the best chance of forming a government.

From FAZ newspaper / photo: screenshot

The CNN network reported to its readers on its website that Netanyahu is “on the brink of a comeback”, and that the polls published in Israel indicate a “narrow advantage” for the former prime minister. “Netanyahu may scrape a small majority,” the news said. The “New York Times” laconically reported that “Netanyahu is leading the race.”

“Israel is gradually breaking to the right”

Some of the media explained to their readers about the percentage of the Israeli blockade, and how the question of whether the Balad party will pass it or not will affect the right-wing bloc’s chances of forming a stable coalition.

Most of the media concentrated on the electoral strengthening of the “Religious Zionist” party. “This far-right party is considered the most important representative of the settler movement and of religious extremists,” the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper wrote. “Critics of the party say that its positions glorify violence, misogyny and homophobia.” “Israel is gradually breaking to the right”, wrote the “Tagsspiegel”, another German newspaper, which reported to its readers in detail in the last day about the elections in Israel, estimated that now “Itamar Ben Gabir and his friends in the radical party can look forward to senior ministerial positions”.

The left-wing British “Guardian” wrote that Netanyahu should thank the “increasing public support for his radical right-wing partners, together with the poor performance of the Arab parties and the Meretz party,” for the fact that he is now “the leading candidate to form the next government in Israel.” “The anti-Bibi camp received only 54 seats in the Knesset,” the newspaper reported.

From the Guardian newspaper / photo: screenshot

From the Guardian newspaper / photo: screenshot

The British “Financial Times” dedicated its main headline this morning to the Israeli elections, and described how Netanyahu retracted in the current campaign his statement that Ben Gvir was unfit to serve as minister “due to his growing popularity”. Like other media, the newspaper noted that the appointment of Ben Gabir may lead to damage to bilateral relations with the US and the Gulf countries.

“Trump would be happy to follow a similar path”

The CNN network linked the results of the elections in Brazil (in which former President Lula returned to power) to the results of the elections in Israel, and said that there is a lesson in them for the United States: Donald Trump may return to the presidency. “Don’t think that Trump is not watching these elections,” said the commentary that appeared this morning On the website: “Twice every two days, in Brazil and Israel, former world leaders simply cannot give up the intoxicating taste of political ambition on their way back to power. Despite the scandals in the past, despite legal nightmares and treacherous politics, nothing will stop them on the way to re-fulfill the dream of past greatness. Trump would be happy to follow a similar path.”

The elections in Israel did not arouse much interest in the international media this time. The consequences of the elections in Brazil, the war between Russia and Ukraine and even the elections that took place in Denmark at the same time as those in Israel were in the foreground.

From the Financial Times newspaper / photo: screenshot

From the Financial Times newspaper / photo: screenshot

During election day, most of the reports about Israel focused on opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu and his attempt to return to power. “Netanyahu wants to return to power,” reported the German television network NDR, “Netanyahu hopes for a comeback in the Israeli elections,” reported The Washington Post.

Reuters and other news agencies with offices in Israel also reported on “Netanyahu’s attempted comeback”, “now strengthened with the help of an expanding right-wing bloc”. “To try to forge a majority this time, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now looking to the far right,” Reuters wrote.

Most of the media emphasized that this is the fifth election in “less than four years”.

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