The government belatedly adopted a plan for energy and climate. The share of renewable sources has increased

by time news

2023-10-18 13:03:00

The share of renewable energy sources in total consumption should rise from the current 18 percent to 30 percent by 2030. Solar and wind energy in particular should drive growth.

In the longer term, nuclear energy should also strengthen, especially with the construction of up to four new nuclear units. The climate and energy plan, which was approved by the government today, takes this into account. Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela (STAN) said this at a press conference. The plan also confirmed a move away from burning coal by 2033.

The government approved the updated plan with a delay, the original deadline was at the end of June. Now the plan will be sent to the European Commission, with which the government will continue to consult the material on an ongoing basis and possibly correct it. The state should then have the final wording ready by the summer of next year.

On the agenda, the government also had a proposal from the Zlín Region Council for adjustments in the budget determination of taxes (RUD) or an amendment to the regulation establishing health protection conditions at work.

The Zlín Region approved its budget proposal in mid-September. The governor’s office requests that the region receive a share of 5.7 percent of the money that goes from the state budget to the regions, not 5.3 percent, as is the case so far. Currently, the Zlín Region receives 8,700 crowns per citizen from the state annually. Only the South Moravian and Moravian-Silesian regions are worse off with 7,700 crowns. Due to the budgetary implications and legislative-technical shortcomings, the Cabinet will probably take a negative position on the proposal, although it will admit that the RUD needs to be revised.

The regulation on conditions for safety at work specifies breaks during shifts or rules for lifting loads. Newly introduces limits for some chemicals potentially toxic to reproductive health. According to the Ministry of Health, the main reason for the ninth amendment to the regulation is the alignment of Czech legislation with European Union law. The changes should apply gradually from January 2024.

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