The Government gives itself to the national team’s footballers

by time news

2023-09-21 02:23:35

At the stroke of five in the morning on Wednesday and after almost seven hours of a tense meeting, Victor Francospresident of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), reported on the agreement with the Football Federation (RFEF) and the international players to unblock the crisis unleashed after Montse Tomé announced her first list as a coach.

At the summit in Oliva (a Valencian town to which the RFEF unexpectedly moved the concentration on Tuesday) a series of agreements were reached and a tripartite commission (CSD, RFEF and players) to monitor its compliance. White smoke that led to the footballers summoned against their will to agree to continue in the national team to face the Nations League matches against Sweden (tomorrow) and Switzerland (Tuesday the 26th).

All except two whose names Francos did not reveal. A majority ‘yes I want’ that came after ensuring that there will be no sanctions from the RFEF and that the CSD will not apply the Sports Law to sanction Mapi Lion and the Pebble Father, the only ones who refused to back down and who at mid-morning on Wednesday personally announced their return home at the hotel doors. In the afternoon, the Federation announced that the Valencian Claudia Florentino occupied Mapi León’s vacancy, but did not provide a replacement for Patri Guijarro.

Save the heads of two players who have already given up the possibility of being called up for the world Cup By remaining firm to their ideas was not the only achievement of the internationals, who, under the umbrella of the CSD, were guaranteed that the Federation would immediately undertake changes in various departments. That was one of the requests of some players who were not satisfied with the resignation of Luis Rubiales after the kiss with Jenni Hermoso or with the unexplained dismissal of former coach Jorge Vilda.

Dismissal of Camps

And that desire for more changes to get rid of people from the former president’s praetorian guard began to be fulfilled on Wednesday afternoon because Pedro Rocha, the president of the RFEF management commission, communicated his dismissal to one of the closest collaborators of Rubiales, Andreu Camps, general secretary of the Federation since 2018. Alfredo Olivares, current director of Competitions, and Elvira Andrés, director of the Cabinet, will assume their duties on an interim basis.

«The players have expressed their concern to us about the need to make changes in the Real spanish soccer federation and the Federation has committed to ensuring that these changes occur immediately,” Francos himself had acknowledged after the Oliva summit. The departure of Camps, which may be followed by that of other important figures such as Tomás González Cueto, external legal advisor to the RFEF and another of Rubiales’s shadow brains, will not come for free to the Federation. His high emoluments, 240,000 euros gross per year in the case of Camps as stated in the transparency portal, will cause a significant disbursement to the RFEF.

Shortly before Camps was informed of his dismissal, the Federation had published a statement reiterating to the players its apologies “for what happened after the victory in the World Cup and, in particular, to Jenni Hermoso, immersed in a situation that she has not generated.

The rush of the RFEF

The Federation seems to be in a hurry to demonstrate its turnaround. Hours before, the internationals received a first nod from Rocha when he announced the change of name of the national teams, betting from now on on the single brand ‘Spanish football team’ to match the men’s and women’s teams.

In the eternal mess surrounding Rubiales’ departure, Rocha and his manager found themselves this Wednesday with a complaint to the CSD by Miguel Ángel Galan (scourged for years by Ángel María Villar and Rubiales himself) for not following the federative statutes to immediately hold elections.

A month after winning the World Cup, the team held its first training session, in which the players seemed very distant from Tomé. At the Oliva summit they reproached her for calling them despite expressing her desire not to attend the selection and on top of that saying that she had informed them.

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