The government has decided to accelerate the implementation of the “Jordan Gate” project – the employment and industrial zone shared by Israel and Jordan

by time news

Prime Minister Yair Lapid: “28 years after the establishment of the peace agreement with Jordan, we are taking the good neighborly relations between the two countries another step forward”
Minister Isavi Frij: “The decision promotes the vision of civil and economic peace, not only between the states, but between the peoples”
Minister Merav Michaeli: “I welcome any action to improve relations with the Kingdom of Jordan”

The government approved today (Sunday), July 31, 2022, the 3rd of July 2015, the proposal of the Prime Minister and the Minister for Regional Cooperation, to speed up the implementation of the “Jordan Gate” project – the industrial zone shared by the State of Israel and the Kingdom of Jordan. As part of the project – which It came up as an idea back in the peace agreement talks in 1994 – it was decided to promote the establishment and operation of the “Shar’an Jordan” park terminal, with the aim of deepening the cooperation with the Kingdom of Jordan.

The work of the headquarters to prepare the decision and the terminal’s operating model was led by the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry for Regional Cooperation, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and the Airports Authority.

In recent years, the Office for Regional Cooperation, in cooperation with the Emek Al-Ma’ain regional council, promoted the plans for the park’s development, and worked to remove barriers and update the planning and legal issues, including the construction of the bridge connecting Israel and Jordan that serves as a crossing between the park on the Jordanian side and its Israeli counterpart, the construction of which was completed a long time ago.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid: “28 years after the establishment of the peace agreement with Jordan, we are taking the good neighborly relations between the two countries another step forward. This is a breakthrough that will greatly contribute to the development and strengthening of the region. Final details of this project were finalized last week during my visits to Rabat Ammon with King Abdullah.

This is an initiative that will bring employment to both countries, advance our economic and political relations, deepen the peace and friendship between the two countries. I thank the Minister of Transportation Rav Michaeli for mobilizing the professionals for the benefit of the process.

This is a joint industrial area, which sits on the border. It will allow Israeli and Jordanian entrepreneurs and businessmen to communicate directly. It will create joint ventures of trade, technology and local industry.”

Minister for Regional Cooperation Issawi Frij: “Increasing the efforts in the ‘Gate of the Jordan’ project was one of the main tasks of the Ministry for Regional Cooperation in the past year; we were able to lead significant progress after a period full of barriers and obstacles.

This is part of the great progress we have made in strengthening ties with Jordan in the past year, first within the framework of an agreement to export water in exchange for solar electricity, and now with this decision which further advances the vision of civil peace, not only between the countries, but between the peoples. The peace between us is not complete without economic and civil cooperation that allows the citizens of the countries to enjoy its fruits.

Advancing the project will make it possible to strengthen economic cooperation with the Kingdom of Jordan and bring about a significant contribution to the economies of both countries and the entire region.”

Minister of Transport and Road Safety Merav Michaeli:

“I welcome any action to improve relations with the Kingdom of Jordan. Jordan is a strategic partner, and of crucial importance to the stability of the entire region. I am committed to acting as much as is necessary to establish our relationship with the Kingdom and help advance the common goals of it and the State of Israel.”

Below are the main points of the decision:

1. Promoting the operation of the “Shar Jordan” park terminal for a pedestrian crossing which will serve as a convenient passage for entrepreneurs interested in the joint venture and the industrial area on the Jordanian side.

2. According to the outline detailed in the decision, subject to budgetary agreements and the approval of the Knesset’s Economic Committee, the Airports Authority will build and operate the Shear Jordan Park terminal.

3. The terminal will include a building to accommodate businessmen and guests who will come from the Jordanian side for business purposes.

4. Examining the immediate construction of the entrance complex and the buildings required for the operating factors in the park, while allocating resources for complementary operations.

5. An outline will be drawn up for the development of the project on the Israeli side in the medium and long term which will be examined after the implementation of the first phase.

Promotion, development and operation of the project will be done in coordination and cooperation with the Kingdom of Jordan and by mutual agreement on the goals of the project and aspects of its operation.

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