The government launches Recovery, Draghi announces the green light of the EU Commission

by time news – After marathon – one non stop for two days – with Brussels, in addition to the already heated confrontation between the majority forces, the CDM closes the round on Recovery with the information from the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, e assurance from Mario Draghi and from the EU arrived the “green disk”. They remain, explained the prime minister, still very marginal issues, so it is explained, on which the discussion continues. But now, this is the sense, the more is done.

The film of a special day for the government and the majority begins around 10, the initial time for the convocation of a Council of Ministers which will then end up meeting at 10 pm. In a crescendo of tension, with the majority to make a wall on the theme of the Superbonus, it is then the confrontation with the EU that draws attention: further investigations on the reforms, still considered weak compared to the point of arrival, were the requests from Brussels. A question then unraveled by Draghi, in days full of contacts between Rome and Brussels, both on a technical and ministerial level. And at the top.

The Superbonus instead will go into maneuver, and the point of fall seems to all agree. Palazzo Chigi and Mef worked all day on the Recovery tables. Right on the Superbonus they pushed M5s, Pd and Forza Italia asking for additional resources (10 billion is needed) for coverage that reaches 2023. The 5-star Movement took the field with the group leaders in Parliament, asking Mario Draghi to hire a clear commitment to citizens and the many productive categories that are launching their appeal in these hours.

Appeal to which that has been added of the former premier Giuseppe Conte, ready to lead M5s from early May: “The ecological transition is a priority both for me and for the 5-star Movement. It is an unmissable opportunity for our country and cannot be postponed due to lack of foresight or lack of political will – in fact, he underlined – The presence of the superbonus in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is therefore essential ”.

In close connection, M5s sources have made it known that Draghi would have reassured about the extension of the Superbonus until 2023 underlining that coverage will occur in the year according to the ‘draft’. A reassurance that, the same sources have announced, the Prime Minister will also bring to Parliament, as early as Monday.

And always there pentastellata delegation had announced that “after weeks of work, we are happy to see that in the Pnrr there are over 10 billion euros for the Superbonus. In addition, there are another 8 billion euros in the investment fund “. And this, asking the CDM for “guarantees in black and white so that in the next economic measures it will be extended to 2023”.

Instead, it was the Minister for Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini, to call the Minister of Economy to have guarantees on the Superbonus, obtaining the reassurance – explained ‘blue’ sources – that the resources needed to cover the measure for 2023 are included in the next maneuver. In fact, in the Pnrr, the coverage only until 2022.

But also tax authorities and liberalizations they are, it has been learned again, at the center of the comparison. Yesterday the political ministers pointed out that the Council had been convened without having had the opportunity to view the draft of the Plan.

On the League front, there would have been discontent regarding the reopening of the shopping centers and on the fact that the Regions have not been listened to enough.

Another subject for debate would be governance of the ‘control room’ with only one political minister, Roberto Speranza.


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