The Government negotiates its entry into the capital of a dozen ‘chip’ companies

by time news

2023-07-04 08:17:34

He Government negotiates the entry into the capital of a company dozen of semiconductor companies through the State Society of Microelectronics and Semiconductors (SEMyS), dependent on the State Company of Industrial Participations (QUIET), according to the Secretary of State for Telecommunications, Maria Gonzalez Veracruz (Murcia, 1979), in an interview with THE NEWSPAPERfrom the Iberian Press group. “In those dozen of open files there are National companies and open conversations world level”, explains González Veracruz, who hopes “to be able to count two or three (operations) before the 23-J”.

The “most imminent” projects are from national companies specialized in “photonics and design, which are the two specialties of the sector where in Spain there is a background and an important business fabric”. And in order to move them forward, the Executive introduced a change in the royal decree-law approved on Tuesday, June 27, to allow SEMyS to use the budget of 800 million euros consigned in this year’s Budgets with different formulas than the participatory loanAs the ordinary loan or the aforementioned entry into capital. “We urgently needed to remove that figure from other financial instruments to enter the capital of different companies”, says González Veracruz.

He PERTE of Microelectronics and Semiconductorsknown as LOSS Chipwas approved more than a year ago –on May 24, 2022– and is the largest of the strategic transformation projects Designed by the Spanish Government. It is endowed with 12,000 million euros with the aim of developing the semiconductor and microelectronics industry in Spain and the crown jewel is to locate in this country a factory of this type of component. It frames the decision of the American technology company Cisco to open its first chip design center in Barcelona. But it also includes other tools, such as the aforementioned financing of companies, subsidies or the creation of a chair for attract talent.

“The start has been productive but when you really see the work we are doing it will be awesome”, assures González Veracruz, aware that the grounding of this project is still slow. And he insists on the imprint of Spain in this sector: “We have led throughout Europe with the IPCEI –acronym for ‘Important Projects of Common European Interest’ or projects that involve more than one member state and that represent a broad R+D+I ambition– microelectronics and in our Perte Chip we are a ‘partner’ even for the United States in terms of microelectronics.

About the possibility that the election result interrupt the development of the project, gonzalez veracruz He affirms that on the path traveled “there is no turning back” and “if someone thought of stopping, it would be a mistake”. “I think there’s no going back though. it would not be the same. we have achieved to view the entire sector, which was one of the things they asked us to do, and in a matter of days we are going to start the group of experts“, Add.


Landed in the ministry in October 2022after the retirement of his predecessor, Roberto Sánchez, González Veracruz boasts of having achieved during this legislature “to end the digital divide” thanks to the launch a week ago of the UNICO Rural programfinanced with 76.3 million euros of European funds. This program makes it easy to connect to Internet of high speed (100 megabits per second the first year and 200 megabits per second the next) through satellite for 35 euros per month and with a grant of up to 600 euros per installation. “The gap is finally closed because where the fiber does not reach (fixed connectivity) the satellite with the same characteristics”, says González Veracruz. And at the same time “solves the problem of the mobile coverage because having red y wifi You can make phone calls,” he adds.

In any case, in the chapter on mobile connectivitythe Government has just published the aid program active 5G to seek to guarantee the deployment of the fifth mobile phone technology. Endowed with more than 500 million euros from European funds, this program is aimed at operators with rights to use frequencies in 5G bands to encourage them to deploy this technology in smaller municipalities (less than 10,000 inhabitants). “While the market takes its pace, we want to guarantee that we will not find ourselves in a situation like the one that occurred with fiber with very powerful coverage at the country level but with Castilla y León, Aragón, some areas of Catalonia or Galicia light years away Madrid, Valencia, Andalucía or even Murcia“, has added.

#Government #negotiates #entry #capital #dozen #chip #companies

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