the government no longer wants an exit classification for the INSP

by time news

One of the last pillars of the senior civil service is about to fall. According to a draft decree revealed by Challengesand The world obtained, the government wishes to abolish the exit classification of the former National School of Administration (ENA), which became the National Institute of Public Service (INSP) on 1is January 2022.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Strasbourg, Jean Castex inaugurates the INSP and buries the ENA

It is a strong symbol. The exit classification of the ENA has, for decades, forged the elite of the administration, a state nobility accused of cultivating too much inter-self and revolving door. Indeed, the students classified in “the boot”, i.e. the first fifteen places out of the Strasbourg school, joined ipso facto the major bodies of the public service: Court of Auditors, Council of State, General Inspectorate of Finance . The status attributed to them ensured them a marked career within the most prestigious institutions of the State. For Emmanuel Macron, having nevertheless himself taken this royal road, it was a question of” a rent ” no longer needed.

From 2024, a new procedure will be instituted upon leaving the INSP. “In order to strengthen the professionalization of recruitments at the end of the instituteindicates the presentation report of the draft decree, the exit classification is removed in favor of an assignment procedure aimed at ensuring a matching profile/position. »

Progressive selection

Rather than a place in a ranking, it will now be the balance between the wishes of the students and the needs of the administrations that will determine the place that each will occupy when leaving the INSP. Of course, the main risk often raised by opponents of the abolition of the exit classification is that of a possible co-optation making it possible to favor one or another. It is precisely to avoid these excesses which were current before the Second World War that the classification had been consecrated. To counter such a risk, the government is considering the creation of a commission responsible for“ensure respect for the principle of impartiality and equal treatment of pupils”.

This will be based on a succession of « tours ». From “anonymous records” student applications and those drawn up by employers, then successive interviews, a gradual selection will take place.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Amélie de Montchalin: with the abolition of the ENA, “the goal is to get out of the student rankings”

The President of the Republic thus completes the essentials of the reform of the training of senior civil servants. Launched during the press conference which followed the social movement of the “yellow vests”, in April 2019, its aim was to form a senior public service more representative of society and whose career would no longer be based on a rank obtained at the end of school, at age 25, and a status of belonging to “one body”, but on the merits and wishes of each.

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