The Government of Chubut carries out works in Schools 704 of Comodoro and 750 of Puerto Madryn – Ministry of Education of Chubut

by time news

In an articulated work between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Infrastructure, a General Plan for the Improvement of Educational Spaces to offer our students the possibility of having school buildings that guarantee comprehensive and quality school trajectories.

Within this General Plan for the Improvement of Educational Spaces, priority is given, in Region VI, to the building of School No. 704 of Comodoro Rivadavia. While, in Region II, the boarding in the building of School No. 750 in Puerto Madryn, thus guaranteeing future school trajectories.

The Government of Chubut advances in the comprehensive reconditioning of the building of the School No. 704 of Comodoro Rivadavia, a work highly anticipated by the community of Comodoro

“The renowned School of Marine Biology of the oil city has lived for years with structural failures that deserved a comprehensive intervention,” said the Minister of Education of the Province, José María Grazzini.

In addition, he added that “However, this situation was not an excuse for the committed educational community of the institution to continue with the academic excellence that has characterized it over time. That is why together with Governor Mariano Arcioni, the decision has been made to advance in the renovation works, without neglecting the trajectories of his students.

It is a joint effort between Ministries. On the one hand, the Ministry of Infrastructure, based on the technical diagnosis, develops the work to adapt the educational establishment. In parallel, the Ministry of Education provides alternatives so that students have continuity in their trajectories during the 2023 school year; as well as that they feel accompanied and cared for.

The management team of the School, with the advice and support of the Ministry of Education, has developed a situated work plan whose objective is to safeguard the right to education of adolescents and youths who study at this institution.

The educational portfolio proposal includes the acquisition of classrooms and modular bathrooms that will be installed on the School premises in the coming days. This will allow planning the entire year, assuring the educational community to maintain the same location; while the works are developed in the historic building of the School.

During the month of March, the Government of Chubut will finish the works at School No. 750 in Puerto Madryn

The Minister of Education of the Province, José María Grazzini, along with his work team, toured and highlighted that “It is the work most anticipated by the educational community of the institution.”

“For more than a decade, the passage of time and the logical use had generated infrastructure problems that altered the academic rhythm. That is why all the works that are necessary for a total renovation of the School began before the summer”, explained the Minister.

The Ministry of Infrastructure carries out the tasks of comprehensive renovation of the school building with repairs to the gym, painting, installation of a new heating and lighting system, among others.

As of this date, the renovation tasks of the gym have been completed, where all the insulation on the roof has been changed and the flooring of the courts has been painted. This allows school activities to be taking place, while the works in the rest of the establishment are finished.

During the month of March, the installation of the new central heating system will be completed with four new boilers for air distribution through ducts, the painting of all the classrooms, the new lighting system and the adaptation of existing spaces for optimal use. This will allow you to resume face-to-face classes in the final space.

Finally, and with the educational establishment already in good condition, the external auxiliary works corresponding to painting, lighting, fencing and perimeter sidewalks will be completed. Leaving for a second stage the new block of management offices.

In parallel, the Ministry of Education, through its Undersecretaries and General Directorates, advises and accompanies the Management Team in the preparation and implementation of a contingency plan that safeguards the right to education of the students of that beloved community. educational.

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