The Government rectifies the oppositions

by time news

2023-05-04 20:58:40

BarcelonaThe Government has decided to repeat from scratch the entire process of civil service competitions after the chaos caused by the company that had been hired to organize them, Cegos, with which it has terminated the contract and which it will now consider taking to court. It is true that the avalanche of complaints and irregularities collected in recent days, more than 3,000, did not leave much room to do something else, but even so, the diligence of the department of Laura Vilagrà, Councilor of the Presidency, must be applauded , when taking a drastic decision and trying to stop the wave of indignation and also the institutional discredit that had been generated.

We remember that these competitions were the product of the process of stabilizing interims that the Generalitat has initiated at the behest of the Spanish government, which in turn was doing it by order of Europe, and that there were more than 13,500 applicants for 1,825 places civil servant In this context, the Generalitat decided to outsource part of the process, especially the logistical and organizational part, to a private company with the argument that the avalanche of applicants was so great that its own resources were not enough, since it was the circumstance that many of these interims who presented themselves were the same ones who were responsible for ensuring that these processes were carried out with all the guarantees. Experience shows that it was a mistake, because Cegos, beyond the fact that it is a company that had already managed similar processes as the MIR, has not performed the functions entrusted to it with the minimum required rigor and efficiency. From this point of view, the Generalitat must try to escape the courts, if necessary, from the harm inflicted on the institution’s image.

Vilagrà has announced that the Government is taking on the challenge of organizing the competitions, which will be repeated at the beginning of July, with its own resources. In this case we understand that it is the councilor herself, who will appear this Friday at her own request in Parliament, who personally assumes the political responsibility for the repetition and that a new fiasco could no longer be settled by the dismissal of an intermediate position . In politics it is important to show your face, as Vilagrà has done, to correct when necessary and to assume political responsibility, three things that are difficult to see together.

The other important news of the day is the agreement between ERC, Junts and the PSC to take forward the measures against the drought. Finally, common sense has prevailed and the three main political forces have put aside partisanship a month before the municipal elections to agree on a minimum agreement. All of this shows that, despite all the difficulties and conflicting interests, the political climate in Catalonia is not at all comparable to that which exists, for example, in Madrid, where the social and political rift reaches astonishing limits like that of the May 2nd party. Citizens must ask the political class to rise to the occasion, both when inadmissible situations occur such as oppositions and when there is a climate emergency such as drought.

#Government #rectifies #oppositions

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