the government specifies the new terms and conditions

by time news

2023-08-11 15:54:28

The pension reform is due to come into force on September 1, and its terms are gradually becoming clearer. The government published this Friday, August 11 six new implementing decrees specifying the new legislation. Only two previous decrees had been unveiled so far, relating to special diets and the shift in the legal age of departure to 64 years.

Among the six new decrees, two relate to professional wear and tear. They aim to ” to strenghten (at) prevention» and to « improve the prevention professional account (C2P) “, said the Ministry of Labor in a press release published Friday, August 11.

C2P Criteria Change

The C2P exists under this name since 2015. It was previously called “personal hardship prevention account”. It is used to determine and recognize the risk factors to which an employee may be exposed in the context of his job. These may be physical risks (exposure to hazardous materials, noise or extreme heat, etc.) or relating to the pace of work (night work).

Depending on the degree of exposure, the worker accumulates points that he can use during his career, either to increase his pension, or to reduce his working time or to finance training with the aim of retraining.

One of the decrees published by the government modifies the criteria for obtaining points. The “night work” risk factor thus sees its threshold lowered from 120 to 100 nights per year to be recognized. Similarly, that of “work in successive alternating teams” – designating in particular employees in 3 × 8 – is also lowered from 50 to 30 nights per year.

The terms and conditions in the event of exposure to several occupational risks are also changing. The text specifies that an employee facing one or more risk factors in a three-month period will earn a number of points equal to the number of factors to which he is simultaneously exposed.

Revaluation of the point value

Wishing “create a right to professional retraining”, the government also provides for a revaluation of the points if they are used to finance training. This means that the employee concerned must use his points on the professional training account (CPF), which gives training rights to employees. The value of a point goes from a value of 375 to 500 €, which allows the employees concerned to access a greater number of training courses. From September, « lHolders of a professional prevention account will be able to benefit from a professional retraining project (…) without loss of pay”the statement said.

In addition, a second decree provides for the creation of an investment fund for the prevention of professional wear and tear (Fipu). It aims to improve the identification of “ergonomic” professional risk factors, « namely awkward postures, mechanical vibrations and the carrying of heavy loads”, says the Ministry of Labor. One billion euros is planned over the next five years to be invested in prevention actions.

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