The government submitted to the State Duma bills on QR codes in transport, shops and cafes

by time news

The government has submitted to the State Duma bills on the introduction of QR codes in public places, some types of transport and for public events. The decision on the use of QR codes and the places where they are required will be made by the regions. Before February 1, a negative test for COVID-19 can be presented to visit public places.

“The government has sent to the State Duma bills on the use of QR codes in public places and on some types of transport. The proposed solutions are an emergency measure against the background of the difficult situation with the coronavirus, ”the government said in a statement.

Restrictions will affect venues for public events, cultural institutions, catering and retail. You will not need to present anything to visit pharmacies and stores that sell food and essential goods. The law will be valid until June 1, 2022.

To visit public places, you will need one of the following documents:

  • QR code on vaccinations;
  • document on the transferred disease;
  • medical removal from vaccination;
  • negative PCR test (before February 1, after February 1, only citizens with a medical withdrawal will be able to present the test).

For the use of railway and air transport, it is allowed to present a PCR test “until the date that the government sets by its regulatory act.” As in the case of public places, you can show the vaccination QR code, a document on the previous illness or a medical evacuation for travel by train or for a flight. “The same research will be required by a citizen of a foreign state when providing him with railway or air transport services,” the government said in a statement.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told reporters that the chief sanitary doctors of the regions will be empowered to take response measures if the governor does not agree with them and does not provide a justification for his position. “It is necessary that at the federal level, at the level of the law, it is clearly stated that all heads of the supreme executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation must adopt unambiguous, understandable to the population rules for the use of restrictive measures, as I said, on the territory of a particular region,” she added. prime minister.

Russian Railways and Aeroflot have already announced their readiness to fulfill the requirements for QR codes. At the same time, S7 Airlines does not support the verification of codes at the stage of purchasing air tickets and expects a drop in passenger traffic by 50%.

The day before, the headquarters announced bills on QR codes in transport, cafes and shops. The Kremlin is aware of the initiative of the government headquarters. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov called the QR code system uncontested.

Plans for the introduction of QR codes – in the material “Kommersant” “Code and way out”.


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