the government will authorize the foreclosure of current accounts automatically –

by time news

2023-07-27 18:31:05

In the engaging opening video, the lawyer Fusillo outlines a detailed overview of the new law concerning the compulsory attachment of private citizens’ current accounts.

The text of the law speaks of ‘foreclosure’, therefore the public administration, i.e. the Revenue Agency will not be able to deal with current accounts without a precise decision from the judiciary.

But it is true that what appears is like the visualization of a shark which begins to rotate around its prey in the sea, swimming in concentric circles ever closer. This brings to mind an episode that occurred in Canada during the pandemic, where protesting truck drivers had their checking accounts confiscated and were hit with heavy fines by President Trudeau, without any decision coming from the judicial authority. Another case, albeit less serious, but still significant, is the blocking of the current account of the Brexit leader, Farage.

These situations help outline a climate in which citizens’ financial rights appear to be threatened, arousing profound reflections on our society and possible future implications.

But here is the caption of the video by Avv. Alessandro Fusillo himself:


In a new video we talk about the tax delegation: ⬇️

A law is being approved which delegates the government to pass a broad tax reform.

The enabling law ( establishes the principles which the government will have to follow when writing the actual text of the reform.

One of the key points is the collection, ie the forced recovery of the sums of which the state believes it is a creditor. The art. 16 of the enabling bill provides, with the usual obscure language of bureaucratic jargon, the possibility of implementing automated attachment procedures. In summary: the direct withdrawal of the sums that the public administration wants to extort citizens from their current accounts.

This plan should be read in conjunction with two other reforms already approved. First of all, the new system, fortunately optional, of the INAD or national index of digital domiciles provided for by art. 6 quater of Legislative Decree 82/2005: government propaganda is trying to push as many people as possible to obtain a certified email and register certified mail on the digital domicile index.

The other reform is foreseen by the art. 26 DL 76/2020 and concerns the notification of public administration documents to citizens. From November 30, administrative acts will be uploaded as IT documents on a national notification platform on the platform of the actual document that the unfortunate victim of the attentions of the Italian republic will have to go and download.

Starting from a term of seven or ten days after this “notification” the terms for proposing oppositions and appeals will begin to run. We can rest assured that many will do nothing because they will not even realize that they have been notified of an administrative act (for example a tax notice or a debit notice). Once the deadlines have expired, the administration will proceed directly to the withdrawal from current accounts.

Obviously this will only be possible for Italian current accounts. On foreign current accounts, the dirty game envisaged by the fiscal delegation does not work. We remind you that holding a current account abroad is lawful.

More details in the video:

Defend yourself now – Lawyer Alessandro Fusillo

#government #authorize #foreclosure #current #accounts #automatically

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